Examining the Availability of Information on Welfare Technologies for People Living with Dementia in Sweden Passed
Wednesday May 15, 2024 08:30 - 09:00 F2
Lecturer: Antonios Tsertsidis
Track: Emerging technologies
Purpose: This study examines the availability of information on welfare technologies for people living with dementia in Sweden. Materials and methods: A scoping review of 21 counties and 290 municipalities was conducted to assess the degree of information provided on welfare technologies. Results: The findings of this review indicate that most Swedish municipalities offer limited information regarding these technologies. Additionally, we conducted a mapping survey to identify the various welfare technologies offered by each county based on the available online material. Conclusions: We argue that greater attention should be given not only to how information is provided but also to the extent to which it is provided to people with dementia and their relatives. Improving these aspects is crucial for making informed decisions. Finally, our review suggests that counties and municipalities should coordinate with local and national resources (e.g. Alzheimer Sweden) to deliver more accurate information through different media forms.
Welfare technology
Seminar type
Pre-recorded + On-site
Lecture type
Objective of lecture
Level of knowledge
Target audience
Management/decision makers
Organizational development
Patient/user organizations
Welfare development
Government information
Antonios Tsertsidis Lecturer
Högskolan i Borås
Jag är filosofie doktor i informatik och disputerade från Örebro Universitet i april 2021. Min forskning handlar om äldre personer med demens (eller andra funktionsnedsättningar) och hur dessa personer är delaktiga i förskrivningsprocessen av välfärdstekniska produkter. Jag är också intresserad av hur personer med demens använder välfärdsteknik och dess effekter. Sammanfattningsvis förespråkar jag en aktiv beslutsfattande roll av personer med funktionsnedsättning.
Förutom forskningen, har jag en MSc i informatik med specialisering i IT projekt management och IT i offentlig förvaltning, och en BSc i Computing.