Huvudbild för Vitalis 2024
Profilbild för The artwork "Domstolen"

The artwork "Domstolen" Har passerat

Torsdag 16 maj 2024 09:45 - 10:00 G1

Föreläsare: Anders Westgerd
Moderator: Emma Forsgren

Spår: Art, Media, and Performance

Anders Westgerd, the CEO of GIL, will be exhibiting the artwork “Domstolen” during the GCPCC in May 2024. GIL, which stands for Göteborg Cooperative for Independent Living, coordinates personal assistance. An important aspect of their work involves educating the public, increasing accessibility and changing attitudes towards individuals with disabilities. In Swedish, “Domstolen” is a play on words as the word means ‘court ’but also, translated literally, ‘chair of judgement’. Among other things, “Domstolen” serves as a discussion opener created to challenge people's attitudes and prejudices The work is about connecting to the widespread perception in society that life in a wheelchair is not worth living. Domstolen is coffin shaped like a wheelchair. It is createdtogether with a famous furniture designer called Staffan Holm, he has won both national and international awards for his furniture work. The work challenges the myth that a disability equals an undignified and bad life. This is absolutely not the case, but a society that is not accessible and maintains differences between people based on function reinforces the public's sense that life with a disability is equal to death, and that death is preferable. Domstolen then becomes a manifestation of society's attitudes towards people with disabilities, it shows society's view of us with disabilities and how we are placed in a box that we ourselves do not recognize.” 




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Anders Westgerd Föreläsare

Profilbild för Emma Forsgren

Emma Forsgren Moderator

University of Gothenburg

Emma has as Master of Science in Speech and Language Pathology and is a Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Science.

Currently employed as a Researcher and Project lead for education and utilisation of research within Gothenburg Centre for Person-Centred Care (GPCC), at the Institute of Health and Care Sciences, Sahlgrenska academy, University of Gothenburg.