Playing oneself as if another - Acting and directing strategies as practical approaches in person-centred health and care Passed
Tuesday May 14, 2024 15:00 - 15:15 G1
Moderator: Pamela Lindgren
Presenter: Victoria Brattström
Track: Art, Media, and Performance
The theatre has developed techniques for establishing partnership and handling interaction in collaborative work on the stage. Interplay in a practical theatrical context builds on the actors ability to make themselves receptive to their fellow actors onstage. The actor needs to understand how they are affected by the onstage action, as well as how they are affecting the onstage action, when acting within the framework of the scripted role and/or the dramatic situation. (Brattström 2015). The PhD study, performed as a collaborative project between the Academy of Music and Drama and University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-centred Care, explores how particular techniques of acting and directing can contribute to person-centred health and care practice focusing the process of partnership-creation between patients and healthcare professionals in clinical healthcare encounters. The PhD study develops a method of analysis highlighting co-creative and analytical aspect of the acting and directing professions. Central to the study are the concepts of the magic ‘If’ and ‘Given Circumstances’ part of the system of acting techniques developed by actor and theatre director Konstantin Stanislavsky [1863–1938]. In the study transcribed audiorecordings from clinical healthcare encounters are explored through different steps of analysis including: (1) Interpretation of the transcripts as if they were scenes in a play, based on a director’s way of analysing a playscript in the context of theatrical production. (2) Exploring the process of partnership-creation through interactive workshops with focusgroups. (3) “Rehearsal laboratories”. The transcribed dialogues, transformed into the format of playscripts, are explored both from the point of wiev of the patient and professional role together with actors in a co-creative and analytical process similar to a theatrical rehearsal. The study reveals insights into the complex interplay between role- and personal identities in the process of partnership-creation and in the context of clinical heathcare encounters.
Seminar type
Pre-recorded + On-site
Lecture type
Victoria Brattström
Pamela Lindgren Moderator
Designer and PhD candidate at Design & Human Factors, Chalmers University of Technology. Patient representative at GPCC
Pamela Lindgren Design Studio
Pamela Lindgren is engaged in science research, industrial design, product-, and graphic design as well as art. She is also active as a patient representative and patient researcher at the Centre for Person-centred Care -GPCC at the University of Gothenburg. Pamela has a Master of Fine Art Degree, from the School of Design and Crafts at the University of Gothenburg and is a PhD candidate at the division of Design & Human Factors, Department of Industrial and Materials Science, Chalmers University of Technology. Pamela Lindgren´s research aims to increased knowledge of user experience of products as well as user acceptance and adoption on the basis of aesthetic and emotional values, as well as functional needs and requirements. The research is also focused on different user groups, opportunities for participation and influence, and what consequences this will have on the final design solution. Pamela seeks to create an interplay between technology, construction and the human body. Universal Design, Design for All and Inclusive Design along with Evidence based and User-centered design with the end user in focus are important pillars symbolizing her method of working, with accessibility, participation, cultural diversity, social design and sustainable development.
Victoria Brattström Presenter
Actor, Director of Theatre and Music Drama, Senior Lecturer in Performance practices
University of Gothenburg Academy of Music and Drama & Centre for Person-Centred Care
Hi, my name is Victoria Brattström. I am a Swedish Actor, Director of theatre and music drama, and Senior Lecturer in Performance Practices at the University of Gothenburg Academy of Music and Drama. My experience as Director ranges from community theatre productions to modern musicals. Over the years I have had the opportunity to be directing large outdoor performances with circus acrobats, choirs, and dancers; as well as intimate chamber plays for Swedish Radio and Television. 2021 I directed the musical Kärlek Skonar Ingen (Love Spares No One) opening with a world premiere at the Gothenburg Opera in Sweden. I was also very happy to be part of the conceptual and creative team behind this original musical theatre piece in co-authorship with, Simon Ljungman, Håkan Hellström & Mirja Unge. https://www.opera.se/en/what-s-on/season-2021-2022/karlek-skonar-ingen/
At the Gothenburg Opera I also directed the Musical Story of my life, by Lionel Bart (2018) and, in collaboration with Benke Rydman, the production Oliver Twist (2019). I directed the Stephen Sondheim musical Passion, in its Scandinavian premiere for Smålands Musik & Teater, 2016.The production re-opening 2017 at Norrlandsoperan. In 2012 I directed the musical Next to Normal at Wasa Teater in Finland.
At the conference I will present the ongoing PhD research project Playing oneself as if another – Acting and directing strategies as practical approaches in person-centred health and care. The project performed as an interdisciplinary collaboration between The University of Gothenburg Academy of Music and Drama & Centre for Person-Centred Care.