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Empowering Pediatric Patients: Evaluating Patient Engagement Strategies in Co-creating Surgical Consent Videos Passed

Wednesday May 15, 2024 15:51 - 16:03 G1

Moderator: Vasiliki Mylonopoulou
Presenter: Marina Rosa Filezio

Track: Digitalisation and eHealth

Informed consent prior to any surgical procedure is a mandatory step in medical practice. According to the Canadian Medical Protective Association, the consent must be voluntary, and the patient or guardian must have capacity to consent and be properly informed prior to consenting (1,2). The literature shows that the traditional method (verbal) of informing patients and guardians may not provide enough understanding of all risk, benefits and expectations associated with the surgical procedure for treating scoliosis in pediatric patients. Health centers and research institutes are exploring innovative approaches to improve the comprehensibility of the informed consent process, including the use of multimedia sources (such as video tools) (3,4). In this study, we collaborated with six patient partners to co-develop a video tool aiming to improve guardians’ comprehension and understanding of the pre-operative surgical discussion preceding spinal surgery for pediatric scoliosis patients. This paper outlines the patient engagement strategy employed during the development of the educational video tool, providing a comprehensive description of this process.  Both quantitative and qualitative data was collected from the public and patient engagement evaluation tool (PPEET) (5,6) to look into the effectiveness of the patient engagement strategy implemented in the co-creation of the educational video. Findings from the PPEET display positive results reinforcing the study’s efforts to ensure inclusiveness, support, mutual respect, and co-building during the co-creation of the educational video.   



Seminar type

Pre-recorded + On-site




Marina Rosa Filezio, Nishan Sharma, Jennifer Thull-Freedman , Fabio Ferri-de-Barros, Maria Santana


Profile image for Vasiliki Mylonopoulou

Vasiliki Mylonopoulou Moderator

Senior Lecturer, Ph.D.
University of Gothenburg

Vasiliki Mylonopoulou, PhD, is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie alumna, focusing on communicating requirements and designing technology related to health and wellness. She works with and for people with chronic conditions to support them live independently and remain connected to loved ones and healthcare professionals without compromising their privacy and autonomy. She has worked with healthcare professionals and other stakeholders to support person-centric care services from a technological perspective. Her vision is to create an inclusive digital society where the inequalities of the physical world to access, understand, and receive healthcare, are not present.

She develops courses and teaches at the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate levels around technology design for health and wellness by utilizing a user-centered perspective, and People and Patient Involvement in research and Innovation. Her teaching vision is to create an inclusive digital society where the barriers of the physical world to access, understand, and receive healthcare are not present.

Currently works as
• senior lecturer at the University of Gothenburg (Applied IT)
• visiting scholar at Chalmer’s, University of Oulu (Finland), University of Jönköping.

She is part of
• the scientific council of the Authority for accessible media (MTM - Myndigheten för tillgängliga medier)
• INCLUDE international network https://www.hb.se/en/research/research-portal/centres/include--centre-for-inclusive-studies/
• NORM (Normalitet, Omsorg, Rättigheter och Makt) network https://www.gu.se/forskning/norm

More about Vasiliki https://www.vasilikimylo.com/

Profile image for Marina Rosa Filezio

Marina Rosa Filezio Presenter

Post Doctoral Fellow
University of Calgary
