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Collaboration between patients, patient organisations and healthcare professionals achieve more for the care of patients with thyroid disease than each of them can achieve on their own Passed

Thursday May 16, 2024 09:45 - 10:45 G3

Panelists: Agneta Lindo, Anna Bergkvist, Christin Lundberg, Helena Filipsson Nyström, Katarina Nydahl

Track: Equity

Background: Views on health care differ from the perspective of health professionals, patients, and patient organisations. The overall vision of the organisations is common, but in practice they operate in different realities. A mutual understanding of the narrative context will improve collaboration and benefit patient care.  Seminar outline: The Swedish Knowledge Organisation aims to harmonise care by national guidelines, where patients' perspective is included. Within the area of hyperthyroidism this work resulted in a national guideline where 4 of 5 news were non-medical, but created from the patients’ needs. HFN highlights the process that patient involvement brought to the national guidelines. CL presents the patients’ perspective. In addition to updated medical procedures, we judge that what would improve care outcomes the most was a thyroid nurse, education of health care professionals, a rehabilitation process for those with incomplete recovery, and organising care in a clearer tiered structure so that patients with different levels of disease complexity meet the right expertise. Working with some patients became a catalyst for working with the patient organisation. They created a council of healthcare professionals, and we included them in the university training programme for future thyroid nurses. Together, we held a seminar for the Swedish Parliament to raise awareness of the unmet needs of thyroid patients in our country, where healthcare is mostly tax-funded. KN features the work of the patient organisation and bilateral benefits, and AB discusses rights and opportunities for patients with disabilities. AL leads the discussion to highlight how cooperation can be implemented as effectively as possible; what needs cooperation and what requires us to act as separate entities to achieve the greatest mutual benefit. Conclusions: Together, we can go beyond what each of us can do. This includes new values in healthcare aimed at personcentred care based on patients' needs.  



Seminar type

Pre-recorded + On-site

Lecture type





Agneta Lindo, Christin Lundberg, Anna Bergkvist, Katarina Nydahl, Helena Nyström


Profile image for Agneta Lindo

Agneta Lindo Panelist

Phd student, Nurse
Institute of Medicine , University of Gothenburg

My name is Agneta, and I am a nurse practitioner specialising in thyroid research. I am driven by a passion for developing collaborative healthcare models with patients, with the aim of ensuring optimal care.

Profile image for Anna Bergkvist

Anna Bergkvist Panelist


The chairman of Swedish Thyroid Association since 2019.

Profile image for Christin Lundberg

Christin Lundberg Panelist

Patient representative

Swedish Thyroid Association, Stockholm, Sweden.

Profile image for Helena Filipsson Nyström

Helena Filipsson Nyström Panelist

Professor of Endocrinology, Physician
Institute of Medicine , University of Gothenburg


Katarina Nydahl Panelist