64. Ready to de-colonize? Har passerat
Fredag 24 november 2023 10:30 - 11:30 CET Workshoprummet
Workshop leaders: AndersA Berg, Sophia Djane
Over the past years, inspired by the Black Lives Matter Movement , organizations around the world have started much needed efforts on decolonising themselves. Big international NGOs have even given a pledge to decolonize. But slowly decolonization is in danger of becoming yet another buzzword and unfulfilled promise.
Let’s explore together what behaviours, working practices and structures in our own organisations, are still breathing post-colonialism. We are inviting you, independent of your affiliation to any organization, be it that you are a seasoned professional, volunteer, student, critical mind or just curious, to draft ideas together to overcome these.
IM will share why decolonization is rightly high on everybody’s agenda, and our own experiences, roadblocks and failures in our process of decolonization. We will be able to learn and reflect together with other participants and get inspired to bring about change in our organizations, be it as staff members or volunteer.
To make this a success, we invite you to come with an open mind, ready to critically reflect on common working practices, including your own and your organizations.
Rätten till arbete
Antirasism och minoriteter
Intresserad allmänhet
AndersA Berg Workshopledare
IM Swedish development partner
Sophia Djane Workshopledare