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Spår: MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation
Alla programpunkterImplementation of HL7 FHIR-Based Interoperability Profiles to Manage Care Plans for Multimorbid Patients with Mild Dementia
Mert Gencturk
Torsdag 25 maj 2023 13:45 - 14:00 G1
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
Leveraging clinical data warehouses to measure impact of update prescription guideline of Human Polyvalent Immunoglobulins of June 2018 in France- A retrospective study
Morgane Pierre-Jean
Torsdag 25 maj 2023 13:45 - 13:50 G2
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
The importance of being FAIR and FAST – The clinical epidemiology and study platform of the German network university medicine (NUKLEUS)
Dagmar Krefting
Torsdag 25 maj 2023 13:30 - 13:45 G1
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
Health Synthetic Data to Enable Health Learning System and Innovation: A Scoping Review
Shu-Feng Tsao
Torsdag 25 maj 2023 13:30 - 13:45 G2
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
Comparative Analysis of Electrodermal activity Decomposition Methods in Emotion Detection using Machine Learning
Praveen Kumar Govarthan, SRIRAM KUMAR P, Tikaram
Torsdag 25 maj 2023 13:15 - 13:30 G1
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, Förinspelat + På plats, Presentation, Avancerad
Electrodermal activity (EDA) reflects sympathetic nervous system activitythrough sweating-related changes in skin conductance. Decomposition analysisis used to deconvolve the EDA into slow and fast varying tonic and phasicactivity, respectively. In this study, we used machine learning models to comparethe performance of two EDA decomposition algorithms to detect emotions such asamusing, boring, relaxing, and scary. The EDA data considered in this study wereobtained from the publicly available Continuously Annotated Signals of Emotion(CASE) dataset. Initially, we pre-processed and deconvolved the EDA data intotonic and phasic components using decomposition methods such as cvxEDA andBayesianEDA. Further, twelve-time domain features were extracted from the phasiccomponent of EDA data. Finally, we applied machine learning techniques suchas logistic regression (LR) and support vector machine (SVM), to evaluate the performanceof the decomposition method. Our results imply that the BayesianEDAdecomposition method outperforms the cvxEDA. The mean of first derivative featurediscriminated all the considered emotional pairs with high statistical significance(p<0.05). SVM was able to detect emotions better than the LR classifier.We achieved a 10-fold average classification accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, precision,and f1-score of 88.2%, 76.25%, 92.08%, 76.16%, and 76.15% respectively,using BayesianEDA and SVM classifier. The proposed framework can be utilizedto detect emotional states for the early diagnosis of psychological conditions.
Predicting Progression of Type 2 Diabetes using Primary Care Data with the Help of Machine Learning
Berk Ozturk
Torsdag 25 maj 2023 13:15 - 13:30 G2
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Verktyg för implementering, Avancerad, Chef/Beslutsfattare, Tekniker/IT/Utvecklare, Forskare (även studerande), Studerande, Omsorgspersonal, Vårdpersonal, Personcentrering, Innovativ/forskning, Test/validering, Patientsäkerhet, Etik
Predicting Progression of Type 2 Diabetes using Primary Care Data with the Help of Machine Learning
Participatory Study to Explore Healthcare Professionals’ Perceptions of a Connected Digital Solution for Adherence Monitoring of Recombinant Human Growth Hormone Treatment: Study Protocol and First Findings
Octavio Rivera
Torsdag 25 maj 2023 13:00 - 13:15 G1
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, Förinspelat + På plats, Presentation, Avancerad
Towards prediction of injuries in traffic accidents
Viktor Sobotta
Torsdag 25 maj 2023 13:00 - 13:15 G2
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
Automated ICF Coding of Rehabilitation Notes for Low-Resource Languages via Continual Training of Language Models
Vincenzo Della Mea
Torsdag 25 maj 2023 12:45 - 13:00 G1
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
Can Patient Contributed Data (PCD) leverage connected health technology for cardiac rehabilitation in Austria?
Rada Hussein
Torsdag 25 maj 2023 12:45 - 13:00 G2
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
So You Want to Manage your Clinical Study Completely Electronically and Remotely?
Miroslav Muzny
Torsdag 25 maj 2023 12:45 - 14:00 R22
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, Enbart på plats, Workshop, Avancerad
Workshop on Patient Generated Health Data – Digital Tools and Applications
Virpi Jylhä
Torsdag 25 maj 2023 12:45 - 14:00 R23
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, Enbart på plats, Workshop, Avancerad
Patient generated health data (PGHD) integrates patients` values and preferences into decision-making. Digitalization enables the integration of PGHD with electronic patient records. However, the lack of digital tools and applications hampers the use of PGHD. The purpose of this workshop is to gather the current situation in research and to form a transdisciplinary network of researchers.Discussion topics:1.Identification of the researchers, research projects and digital tools and applications for PGHD to build a network of researchers in the field.2.Experiences and perceptions of the research and practice regarding the digital tools and applications for PGHD3.Recommendations for future research topics in the field of PGHD.Keywords. digitalization, shared decision making, patient generated health dataYou are warmly welcome!
Mapping the SPHN Dataset to FHIR
Sophie Klopfenstein
Torsdag 25 maj 2023 11:35 - 11:40 G1
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Inspiration, Avancerad, Politiker, Tekniker/IT/Utvecklare, Forskare (även studerande), Studerande, Vårdpersonal, Patientorganisationer/Brukarorganisationer, Innovativ/forskning, Dokumentation
Sharing our experience of mapping the Swiss Personalized Health Network Dataset to Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources
Classification of Parkinson’s Disease from Voice - Analysis of Data Selection Bias
Alexander Brenner
Torsdag 25 maj 2023 11:30 - 11:35 G1
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
An Annotation Workbench for semantic annotation of data collection instruments
Julia Sasse
Torsdag 25 maj 2023 11:15 - 11:30 G1
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
Short introduction to the National Research Data Infrastructure for Personal Health Data (NFDI4Health) and proposed solutions towards findability and interoperability of clinical and epidemiological studies. Two services will be presented: the German Central Health Study Hub to support the findability of studies and the Metadata Annotation Workbench to support enrichment of data collection instruments with standardized vocabularies on the study item level.
Application of process mining for modelling small cell lung cancer prognosis
Luca Marzano
Torsdag 25 maj 2023 11:10 - 11:25 G2
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Verktyg för implementering, Avancerad, Tekniker/IT/Utvecklare, Forskare (även studerande), Studerande, Vårdpersonal, Exempel från verkligheten (goda/dåliga), Innovativ/forskning
Process mining is a relatively new method that connects data science and process modelling. In the past years a series of applications with health care production data have been presented in process discovery, conformance check and system enhancement. In this paper we apply process mining on clinical oncological data with the purpose of studying survival outcomes and chemotherapy treatment decision in a real-world cohort of small cell lung cancer patients treated at Karolinska University Hospital (Stockholm, Sweden). The results highlighted the potential role of process mining in oncology to study prognosis and survival outcomes with longitudinal models directly extracted from clinical data derived from healthcare.
Mapping Korean National Health Insurance Claim Codes for Laboratory Test to SNOMED CT
Sumi Sung
Torsdag 25 maj 2023 11:00 - 11:15 G1
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
Breaking Barriers for Interoperability: A Reference Implementation of CSV-FHIR Transformation using open-source tools
Samer Alkarkoukly
Torsdag 25 maj 2023 10:45 - 11:00 G1
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
The necessity of multiple data sources for ECG-based machine learning models
Lucas Plagwitz
Torsdag 25 maj 2023 10:30 - 10:45 G1
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
Towards a clinically meaningful model to structure the development of interoperable order sets, applicable to the point of care in any EMR
Mobin Yasini
Torsdag 25 maj 2023 10:15 - 10:30 G1
MIE: Special Topic: Caring is Sharing - exploiting value in data for health and innovation, English, Enbart på plats, Presentation, Avancerad
Lets talk about interoperable order set creation than can be used by any EMR