The conference at Vitalis 2023 consists of several tracks with panel discussions, keynote presentations and studio talks. Most of the content will also be available online via live broadcasts and recorded lectures, available on demand.
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You can filter by topic, seminar type, target audience or time. There are also a number of thematic tracks in the programme.
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Track: MIE: Visualization
All sessionsWORKSHOP: Collaborating in interdisciplinary teams via rapid prototyping of data driven tools – A practical introduction to Streamlit in Python
James Barrett
Wednesday May 24, 2023 15:45 - 17:15 R22
MIE: Visualization, English, On site only, Workshop, Advanced
WORKSHOP: Interfacing the CovidGraph: a hands-on experience with knowledge graphs
Lea Gütebier
Thursday May 25, 2023 08:30 - 09:45 R22
MIE: Visualization, English, On site only, Workshop, Advanced