I choose peace: youth stories from the Horn of Africa to Sweden Passed
Wednesday April 21, 2021 15:30 - 16:30 4
Exhibitor: Föreningen för Utvecklingsfrågor
Through inspirational stories we would like to invite you to an hour focused on the role that young people play in contributing to peaceful societies. This despite the fact that many young people - often due to where in the world, or in Sweden, they live - have personal experiences of violence in their local environment. Come and listen to young changemakers, from the Horn of Africa to Sweden, who choose peace instead of violence and challenge yourself by asking the question: how can I contribute to a more peaceful society where I live?
The session will focus on the role of young people as a positive force for peaceful societies by inviting youth to share their own experiences. While the participants will get to hear the young people share their stories of how they have been impacted by violence where they live - and how they have responded to this - participants will also get to explore the role that they themselves have when it comes to creating, and sustaining, peaceful societies.
Hosted by the Life & Peace Institute (LPI), the Swedish Development Forum (FUF) and the National Council of Swedish Youth Organizations (LSU)
Life & Peace Institute (LPI), the Swedish Development Forum (FUF), the National Council of Swedish Youth Organizations (LSU)
Prioriterade målgrupper (max 3)
Studenter vid högskola/universitet
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