Turning the global feminist policy space upside-down: Bringing women's voices from fragile states into the center Passed
Thursday November 17, 2022 10:30 - 11:00 Globala scenen
Moderator: Josephine Sundqvist
Panelists: Charity Resian , Hon. Sophia Pal Gai
The Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa, Maputo protocol, is highly neglected and urgently needs further attention. In this mini-seminar, we aim to direct the spotlight to fragile and conflict-affected African states to bring women's marginalised voices to the foreground - the voices of African women. We raise issues with regards to African legal human rights framework and related Human Rights protocol. We explore what could happen if we turn the global feminist space upside-down and what it takes for Swedish Development Cooperation to reinforce and work towards improved ratification of the Maputo protocol.
LM International (Läkarmissionen) is working as a Swedish Global Foundation to safeguard the right to a safe and dignified life for women and girls in fragile states. We believe that African female politicians must be given a more vital place within the development agenda. Sweden's new government is in the midst of reforming its Development Cooperation. Moving forward, it's crucial that we strive to decolonise global feminism.
LM International / Läkarmissionen
Miniseminarium (25 minuter)
Josephine Sundqvist Moderator
Charity Resian Panelist
Anti-FGM Activist/FGM Policy and Advocacy Specialist
Hon. Sophia Pal Gai Panelist
Ellen Kjellgren, Former Ethiopian Journalist/vice President of Women's League/Councilor at Women's Affairs Office in Addis Abeba