Header image for Mänskliga Rättighetsdagarna 2019

32. Closing the Gap in One Generation Passed

Thursday November 14, 2019 16:30 - 17:30 Crusellhallen

Moderator: Lisa Pelling
Panelists: Lena Hallengren, Margareta Kristensson, Sir Michael Marmot

It can be described as the paradox of global health; the fact that we statistically are healthier and have longer life expectancy than ever but at the same time health is more unevenly distributed. In short, there is a growing gap between those who access the right to health and those who don’t. This is true not only on a global scale but also within most societies, including the Nordic welfare states.

Why is this and how can the universal right to health become available to all? 


The Swedish Forum for Human Rights


Jämlik hälsa



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Lisa Pelling Moderator

Arena Idé

Lena Hallengren Panelist

Minister for Health and Social Affairs

Margareta Kristensson Panelist

MD and Professor in Social and Preventive Medicine at Department of Medical and Health Sciences (IMH), Linköping University. Chair of the Östgöta Commission and member of the Swedish Commission on Social Determinants of Health

Sir Michael Marmot Panelist

MRC Research Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College, London. Chair of the WHO Commission on Social Determinants of Health