20. Mental health, destructive milieus, and working preventively Har passerat
Torsdag 14 november 2019 13:00 - 14:30 Solot
Föreläsare: Jane Braden-Golay, Robert Örell, Valerie DeMarinis
Moderator: Anette Pettersson Faye
Why do young people seek out and engage in violent extremism, and how can we prevent this as well as promote resilience to it? How can we, as professionals, be better equipped?
Mental illness is related to the experience of being outside the community. When young people turn to destructive environments, it can ultimately be life-threatening.
The public mental health promotion perspective is the starting point for this seminar.
In the seminar, we highlight protective factors (health promotion) and risk factors (poor mental health) in a broad sense, and in relation to how one can work against destructive milieus. The seminar is based on the proven practice that Fryshuset has today through its many years of experience, together with the new evidence-based intervention Integrative Complexity Thinking (ICT) that over the recent years has been developed for a Swedish context, and is now being launched in Sweden in 2019.
During the seminar, we will give practical operational examples in the success of the democracy-promoting, preventive, and intervention work.
What is ICT?
Integrative Complexity Thinking[1] (ICT) is a manual-based and empirically validated intervention that prevents a black-and-white "us vs. them" thinking while promoting social cohesion, mental health, democratic processes, and complex thinking. Researchers at the University of Cambridge have developed the program/intervention, and IDEDI/Fryshuset leads the work of adapting it to a Swedish context in collaboration with IC Thinking (Cambridge) Ltd., Umeå University, Uppsala University and the University of Cambridge. In Sweden, the program is being developed for three different target groups; young people aged 16–19 who attend upper secondary school, young people aged 18–25 who are in some form of NGO/youth activity, and adults who work with youths.
ICT is for everyone!
ICT has a cross-disciplinary relevance and ties in with the central goals that are included in the school's curriculum. It is also relevant to Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals[2], especially no 3.4 and 16.1.
Integrative Complexity Thinking is based on a psychological concept and empirical measure called Integrative Complexity (IC). It measures the complexity of one's cognitive structure, which forms the basis of information and decision processes, as well as how we perceive ourselves the social world. IC is not about what we think but how we think. In other words, it affects the cognitive structure and not the content, and it relates to an individual's ability to nuance and grasp the perspective of other individuals. The ICT program built around IC is innovative and groundbreaking. Because it’s focused on the cognitive structure, one can be faithful to one’s core values, while at the same time have an increased understanding of different perspectives and peaceful ways forward with those who think differently. This differs from other methods that often aim to transmit certain attitudes or knowledge. It is also one of the few evidence-based programs that work with relevant and specific factors that can be measured both before and after the intervention. The program has been empirically validated in different environments and with various groups in several countries. Results from evaluations have also shown that the effect of ICT remains one year later, and to a greater extent compared with control groups.
[2] https://www.globalamalen.se
Institutet för demokrati & dialog (IDEDI) en del av Fryshuset
Agenda 2030
Etniska minoriteter
Etik & moral
Jämlik hälsa
Metoder och verktyg
Nationella minoriteter
Psykisk hälsa
Posttraumatisk stress
Religion och övertygelsefrihet
Själslig/existentiell hälsa
Social hälsa
Prioriterade målgrupper
Lärare och pedagoger
Studenter vid högskola/universitet
Tjänstepersoner vid kommun
Tjänstepersoner vid landsting/region
Tjänstepersoner vid statliga myndigheter/departement
Intresserad allmänhet
Jane Braden-Golay Föreläsare
Institutet för demokrati och dialog /Fryshuset
Jane har lång erfarenhet inom aktivism och dialog. Tidigare var hon ordförande för European Union of Jewish Students (EUJS), där hon med framgång skapade allianser och samarbeten over kultur- och religionsgränser för insatser mot den tilltagande nationalismen och andra gemensamma utmaningar. Jane tilldelades 2015 år Human Rights First Award för sitt arbete mot religiös intolerans och antisemitism i Europa. Hon bibehåller ett kontinuerligt engagemang i det banbrytande dialogprojektet Muslim Jewish Conference.
Jane har en kandidatexamen i religionskunskap från Universität Zurich. Jane har en kombinerad magister i utbildning och psykologi från University of Cambridge (MPhil, Cantab), där hon utvecklade metoder inom fältet IC Thinking särskilt framtagna för arbete med lågstadie-elever och genomförde en pilotstudie av desamma.
Jane är idag programansvarig för IC Sweden.
Robert Örell Föreläsare
Institutet för demokrati & dialog
Robert Örell works as an independent consultant in the P/CVE field with a specialisation on capacity development and trainings. He is a senior advisor and trainer for the Institute for Democracy and dialog.
Robert has over seventeen years of experience on work with disengagement from violent political extremism and organized criminal gangs. He is the Program director of Exit USA at the NGO Life After Hate and has the position as the chairman of the non-profit NGO Transform.
He has professional experiences from social work with supporting victims of crime, parent- and family support, networking, training and management. He is an internationally requested trainer, speaker and expert and is interviewed numerous times in media around the world.
In April 2016 Robert preformed a TEDx talk on the topic A way out from violent extremism, which focuses on the mindset of violent extremism and the way out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNIgKsb1QbA
Robert has extensive experience in training, lecturing and facilitating workshops and seminars in international setting. As an international expert Robert has been involved in setting up trainings for practitioners, policy makers and training-of-trainer programs.
Robert is involved in national and international networks focused on sharing knowledge and best practices in the field of radicalisation, disengagement, and intervention. He has arranged several international conferences and workshops.
He is adviser on the work of setting up Exit organisations in a number of countries and has participated- and worked with several EU projects.
Since 2011 Robert is a member of the steering committee of the European Commission’s RAN, Radicalization Awareness Network, where he also co-chairs the working group RAN Exit. Since 2016 Robert is also part of the expert pool at the RAN Center of Excellence.
During 2014 he supervised the work at the family support project Sy.Realize concerning Foreign Fighters.
Robert has completed a basic psychodynamic psychotherapy training, studied social pedagogy, and has taken a certificate in Terrorism Studies at the University of St. Andrews.
Valerie DeMarinis Föreläsare
Uppsala Universitet
Valerie has a background in both cultural psychology and clinical work and research in mental health. She is an international member of the American Psychological Association. DeMarinis has professorships in both Sweden and Norway. In Sweden, she is Professor in psychology of religion and cultural psychology at Uppsala University. She is also, since 2015, Guest professor in public mental health at the Medical School at Umeå University, through the department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine.
Anette Pettersson Faye Moderator
Institutet för demokrati och dialog/Fryshuset
Anette Pettersson Faye is the operational manager of the Institute for democracy and dialog (IDEDI)
Anette, who has more than 35 years of experience in how sustainable democracy and rights work can be integrated into civil society, education, government and municipal activities. Which, according to Anette, is through collaboration, democratic leadership, organizational development, democratic forms of meeting, influence and participation.
Anette comes from the Academy for Democracy, co- host for the Swedish Forum for Human Rights, where she has worked for 11 years. The last 8 years as operational manager and during 2010-2012 also as the head Swedish Forum for Human Rights.
In 2018, she was on leave from her assignment and worked as a bay.unit manager for young & health, association and facility, in Håbo municipality.
Anette's first relationship with Fryshuset was when the Non-Fighting Generation was to start up in 1998 and she was a young assistant director at summer camps that were carried out for young people after the riots in Kungsan 1997. Anette is happy to call the project Sweden's first major social collaboration project, with police, soc , field assistants and Fryshuset. It was then run by the Summer Children's Agency.