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21. Unveiling the Dark Side of Electric Cars: Aggressive Mining in the Himalayas Passed

Thursday November 14, 2024 12:30 - 13:15 CET Scen 3

Moderator: Katrin Goldstein-Kyaga
Panelists: Arne Müller, Dr.Lobsang Yangtso

The two panelists will give their view in two different perspectives, Arne Müller from a swedish, european view and Dr. Lobsang Yangtso from the Himalayas, The Tibetan plateau. What happens when we here in Europe go further in our transformation to" green" energy. How does it affect other parts of the world where we might get the minerals needed for batteries from. What are the dangers of the hunt for minerals in countries with lesser legislation around environment, working conditions and human rights. 


Svenska Tibetkommittén


Demokratisk omställning
Grön omställning


Intresserad allmänhet




Konferensprogram (45 min)
Nivå: Medel


Katrin Goldstein-Kyaga Moderator

Katrin Goldstein-Kyaga is a professor emerita in intercultural education. She has carried out research on Tibet and peace and has written a number of books, among others" Tibet fredsstaten" ( Tibet- the Peace State).

Arne Müller Panelist

Arne Müller is a journalist and author living in Umeå. Among other things, he has worked as an editor for SVT's regional newscasts in Västerbotten. In 2013, he debuted with the book" Smutsiga miljarder- den svenska gruvboomens baksida". Since then, he has continued to write books where northern Sweden, natural resources and climate change have been recurring themes. The latest book " Norrsken-drömmen om den gröna industrin" examines the large industrial projects that have been launched in northern Sweden in recent years. In 2017, Müller resigned from his job at SVT to become a freelance journalist and thus be able to fully devote himself to the subjects he focuse on.

Dr.Lobsang Yangtso Panelist

Programme and Environmental Researcher of the International Tibet Network.