AI in Precision Health in the Bay Area - From Algorithm to Impact
Wednesday May 21, 2025 11:00 - 11:45 F2
Lecturers: Gunilla Jacobson, Marco Perez, Peter Kelly, Stefan Jovinge, Ziad Obermeyer
Track: AI in Precision health
The Bay Area around San Francisco has two world-class universities and hospitals in precision health and AI, as well as many start-ups and several of the largest tech companies in health. How does research in AI in precision health translate to an impact for patient health in the Bay Area? What can Sweden learn from success stories (and failures) of bringing safe and responsible AI in precision health to good use for patients?
Future Health and Care
Seminar type
Live + On site
Lecture type
Objective of lecture
Level of knowledge
Target audience
Management/decision makers
Care professionals
Healthcare professionals
Actual examples (good/bad)
Gunilla Jacobson Lecturer
Director of Translational Medicine, DeSimone Lab Technical and Strategic Director, Cyclotron, Rad / Precision Health and Integrated Diagnostics
Stanford University
Marco Perez Lecturer
Associate Professor of Medicine
Stanford University Medical School
Peter Kelly Lecturer
Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset
Stefan Jovinge Lecturer
President of Research, Education, Development and Innovation at Scania University Hospitals, Adjunct Professor at Stanford University
Skånes universitetssjukhuset, Stanford University
Ziad Obermeyer Lecturer
Associate professor and Blue Cross of California Distinguished Professor, Emergency Physician
UC Berkeley School of Public Health