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AIDAVA: AI based DAta curation and publishing Virtual Assistant

Wednesday May 21, 2025 14:00 - 14:15 Unassigned room

Lecturer: Rutger Vanmierlo

This presentation with introduce the Horizon Europe project, AIDAVA.  The project that started in September 2022  and aims to provide patients (or their delegate) with an AI-based virtual assistant that maximises automation in the integration and transformation of their health data into an interoperable, longitudinal health record. This personal record can then be used for multiple purposes: to generate patient related information such as in International Patient Summary in FHIR format or a specific risk score for the patients, or to derive population datasets for research and policymaking such as a clinical registries. The proposed solution will enable a much-needed paradigm shift in health data management, implementing a ‘curate once at patient level, use many times’ approach, primarily for the benefit of patients and their care providers, but also for more efficient generation of high-quality secondary datasets. 
The first generation of the prototype was evaluated with patients in 3 sites. While this first prototype is - as expected, suboptimal but well accepted by the patients  - it demonstrates that there is true potential for automation in data curation of health data into an harmonised semantic standard, under the form of a Personal Health Knowledge Graph. The second generation of the prototype to be developed in the next 24 months will focus on on the  improvements in the curation tools and overall performance in data curation. 

The call with focus on the following aspects

  • high level project objectives and architecture with different technology components
  • results of the evaluation of the first generation of the prototype and plans for the second generation
  • how AIDAVA could enable interoperability of healthcare authorities and healthcare organisations as part of implementation of the EHDS



Data and Information

Seminar type

Pre-recorded + On-site

Lecture type


Objective of lecture

Tools for implementation

Level of knowledge


Target audience

Management/decision makers
Healthcare professionals
Patient/user organizations


Actual examples (good/bad)
Patient centration
Government information


Rutger Vanmierlo Lecturer