Health data access for apps
Thursday May 22, 2025 14:30 - 15:00 A1
Lecturer: Mikael Rinnetmäki
Track: Nordics on FHIR
Patient-facing apps will soon have access to health data. Somewhere this has already happened. What should we think of this?The presentation will explore app access to health data from multiple angles.
- In the US, patient-facing apps have had access to health data for years, without any certification or accreditation schemes.
AppleHealth and CommonHealth extend the reach to other apps, and also other jurisdictions, including Canada and the UK. - The International Patient Access specification from HL7 is a global FHIR implementation guide to open up access to health data.
- Finland opened a fresh health data API for patient facing apps from the centralized Kanta repository in 2024. The session presents the first lessons learned.
- EHDS regulation and the xShare project aim to give patients actionable rights and mechanisms for accessing their health data. It is still foreseen that member states of the European Union will have some freedom to choose what kind of accreditation and acceptance mechanisms they set up for health apps.
The session also presents some initiatives for Nordic cooperation around the topic.
Data and Information
Seminar type
Live + On site
Lecture type
Objective of lecture
Level of knowledge
Target audience
Patient/user organizations
Actual examples (good/bad)
Patient centration
Follow-up/Report of current status
Mikael Rinnetmäki Lecturer
Sensotrend Oy