Panel: When upscaling AI in precision health and research-what are the pitfalls and keys to success?
Wednesday May 21, 2025 16:10 - 16:50 F2
Lecturer: Ziad Obermeyer
Moderator: Charlotta Ljungman
Panelists: Gunilla Jacobson, Marco Perez
Track: AI in Precision health
The California/US way of supporting innovation and research contra Sweden? What are the differences and what could be the better way? How do we ensure scientific quality of AI in precisions health? Whose responsibility is it to make sure that all infrastructure is in place and that we are working long term not with projects only?
Future Health and Care
Seminar type
Live + On site
Lecture type
Objective of lecture
Level of knowledge
Target audience
Management/decision makers
Care professionals
Healthcare professionals
Actual examples (good/bad)
Ziad Obermeyer Lecturer
Associate professor and Blue Cross of California Distinguished Professor, Emergency Physician
UC Berkeley School of Public Health
Associate Professor, Blue Cross of California Distinguished Professor at UC Berkeley School of Public Health
Charlotta Ljungman Moderator
Senior Consultant in Cardiology, Associate Professor, Head of Precision Medicine
Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Head of Precision Medicine at Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Senior Consultant in Cardiology
Associate Professor
Gunilla Jacobson Panelist
Director of Translational Medicine, DeSimone Lab Technical and Strategic Director, Cyclotron, Rad / Precision Health and Integrated Diagnostics
Stanford University
Director of Translational Medicine, DeSimone Lab
Technical and Strategic Director, Cyclotron, Rad / Precision Health and Integrated Diagnostics
Marco Perez Panelist
Associate Professor of Medicine
Stanford University Medical School
Associate Professor at Stanford University
Cardiac electrophysiologist at at Stanford Health Care
PI of the Clinical Coordinating Center at Stanford University for the REACT-AF
co-PI of the Apple Heart Study