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Workshop; Governance – for successful integrated healthcare and care with distance spanning solutions

Tuesday May 20, 2025 10:15 - 11:45 J2

Workshop leaders: Bengt Andersson, Niclas Forsling
Workshop facilitators: Christine Gustafsson, Helinä Melkas

Track: Workshops och fördjupningar, Workshops

The workshop starts with short presentations of the VOPD/iHAC Policy Brief, experience from 45 iHAC Model Regions and projects and presentation of two local examples from South Karelia, Finland and Bornholm Denmark.

During the workshop the next steps will be discussed based on Key Messages presented in the Policy Breif “Governance – for successful integrated healthcare and care with distance spanning solutions”;

  • By focusing on the three governance components – how to facilitate communication and knowledge sharing; how to establish shared goals, and how to establish and/or increase trust – local and regional authorities can improve the implementation and integration of distance spanning solutions.
  • Governance is necessary but not sufficient alone – the context-specific factors such as organizational readiness and leadership as well as other organizational characteristics must be taken into account as the starting point and also along the way. There can be major variation according to size and structure of the locations even within one country. A key factor is capacity to implement change; especially for this, organizational readiness and strong leadership are needed.
  • Other critical factors also play an essential role. These comprise diverse factors such as inclusivity and accessibility, monitoring and evaluation, and – to an increasing degree – sustainability and environmental impacts. The relation of those factors to each of the core components of governance should be considered.
  • Governance, its core components and organizational readiness and leadership resonate with the key messages of the entire iHAC project. It is necessary to:
  • embrace the digital – show visionary, collaborative leadership to integrate healthcare and care services
  • network, come together and collaborate, and identify how integrated healthcare and care, supported by distance spanning solutions, delivers to the global agendas
  • understand that the time to act is now (well, it was actually yesterday).



Future Health and Care

Seminar type

On Site Only

Lecture type


Objective of lecture

Tools for implementation

Level of knowledge


Target audience

Management/decision makers
Organizational development
Patient/user organizations


Actual examples (good/bad)
Welfare development


Profile image for Bengt Andersson

Bengt Andersson Workshop leader

Nordic Welfare Centre

Bengt Andersson is a senior advisor Welfare Technology at Nordic Welfare Centre. He has long experience of digital transformation in public sector and has been working with national Swedish programs on authority level and as a management consultant in private sector. In the Nordic project Integrated Healthcare and care through distance spanning solutions Bengt and Nordic Welfare Centre had the responsibility of specific activities towards the target group municipalities and digitalisation in social services.

Profile image for Niclas Forsling

Niclas Forsling Workshop leader

Project manager
Glesbygdsmedicinskt Centrum Storuman Västerbotten

Niclas started at Centre for Rural Medicine as project manager for Healthcare and Care – through distance spanning solutions 2018 – 2021 (Vård och Omsorg På Distans – VOPD), and has continued 2021-2024 with «integrated Healthcare and Care – a building block for a sustainable Nordic region (iHAC)”. Niclas is also the coordinator for a pre commercial procurement through Horizon 2020 called CRANE. CRANE is a concrete attempt to realize the ambitions behind European Health Data Space. Niclas has also a long-standing background as Head of Secretariat for transnational European cooperation programmes and has worked a period at Nordic Council of Ministers Secretariat.

Profile image for Christine Gustafsson

Christine Gustafsson Workshop facilitator

Sophiahemmet University

Christine Gustafsson is a professor in Health Care Science at Sophiahemmet University in Stockholm, and an affiliated researcher at Mälardalen University in Eskilstuna/Västerås. Her research primarily focuses on the field of health and welfare technology (HWT) from a user-centric perspective. The interdisciplinary research field of HWT, with a user-centric focus, involves the study of the values and benefits that various users can gain from the technology. Professor Gustafsson initiated and actively participates in the leadership of the Nordic Health and Welfare Technology Research Network, which is supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers via Nordic Welfare Centre.

Profile image for Helinä Melkas

Helinä Melkas Workshop facilitator

LUT University, Finland

Helinä Melkas is Professor of Industrial Engineering and Management, especially Service Innovations, at Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT, School of Engineering Science, Finland, and Professor II at Centre for E-health, University of Agder, Norway. Her research interest is in digitalisation, health and welfare technology, impact assessment and innovation management. She is actively involved in the Nordic Research Network on Health and Welfare Technology.