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Capacity Building for EHDS in the Nordics

Tuesday May 20, 2025 15:15 - 17:15 R2

Lecturers: Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw, Prabhat Ram
Workshop facilitators: Elina Salla, Sharon Guardado Medina

Track: Workshops och fördjupningar, Workshops

In our Interreg Aurora project Nordic Health Data Spaces (NHDS), we have identified competencies and technical capacity requirements that can aid stakeholders from the Aurora region (North of the North) in adopting the European Health Data Space (EHDS). These competencies have been formulated as educational content aimed at learners from academia (e.g., B.Sc. / M.Sc. /  Ph.D. students), public sector (e.g., public healthcare personnel) and private sector (e.g., healthcare industry R&D personnel). An EHDS competency framework has also been designed to determine re-skilling and up-skilling needs of a workforce. 

The workshop will serve as an introduction to the competencies and technical capacity needed to prepare for EHDS, and more importantly, engage stakeholders as co-creators in enriching the project findings with their inputs. This will not only help us validate the project outcomes but also add credibility to them. 

The key takeaways of the workshop are as follows:

  1. Competencies that would prove instrumental in smoother adoption of EHDS across the healthcare domain. 
  2. A competency framework to assess and identify workforce competencies needed to prepare them for EHDS.
  3. Technical infrastructure capacity building needs to align with EHDS requirements. 




Seminar type

On Site Only

Lecture type


Objective of lecture


Level of knowledge


Target audience

Management/decision makers
Care professionals
Healthcare professionals
Patient/user organizations


Education (verification)


Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw Lecturer

Norwegian Centre for E-Health Research

Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw is a Senior Researcher at the department of Health Analytics at Norwegian Centre for E-health Research, Norway. His research interests include e-health, audit and feedback, health data reuse, distributed statistical computation, machine learning, federated learning, record linkage, security, and privacy.

Prabhat Ram Lecturer

University of Oulu

Prabhat Ram (Ph.D.) is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Empirical Software Engineering in Software, Systems and Services (M3S) research unit of the University of Oulu. His current research activities involve investigating role of AI in personalized healthcare, and self-regulated learning augmented by AI. His broader research interests include empirical software engineering, software measurement, Internet of Things, software engineering pedagogy, and explainable AI. He is also involved in teaching courses like Software for Intelligence Systems and AI, Java programming, Data analysis with Python, and Frontend development.

Elina Salla Workshop facilitator

Project Coordinator
University of Oulu

Sharon Guardado Medina Workshop facilitator

Doctoral Researcher
University of Oulu