Huvudbild för Vitalis 2024
Profilbild för Utilizing cartoons to enhance research communication on Person-Centred Care

Utilizing cartoons to enhance research communication on Person-Centred Care Har passerat

Onsdag 15 maj 2024 14:30 - 15:13 Poster Arena

Rapportör: Pamela Lindgren

Spår: Posters, Integrated Practice Development

Poster can be found in location 129.

This abstract reports from an innovative approach to facilitating discussions when communicating research on person-centered care (PCC). The initiative involves a collaboration between researchers, communicators, and a patient representative who is also an artist. In the realm of healthcare, diverse understandings of PCC exist among healthcare professionals, students, patients, and the general public, which may pose challenges to its effective implementation. These understandings were identified through a review of sources, including published research literature as well as through focus groups with various stakeholders. Six distinct conceptions of PCC were identified: 1. PCC only works in specific healthcare contexts. 2. PCC equates to patients making all the decisions. 3. Many patients think that PCC is too demanding for them. 4. The term "patient" may no longer be used. 5. Healthcare services are already person-centered. 6. There are insufficient time and resources for PCC. To facilitate understanding and discussion of these conceptions, cartoon-style illustrations were developed for each concept. One such illustration, representing the idea that "PCC equates to patients making all the decisions" is included above. Subsequently, pedagogical materials were created to delve into these conceptions, with relevant research citations provided for each conception. The creation process for the cartoons and accompanying texts involved group meetings characterized by lively discussions focusing on inclusion, diversity, and differing perspectives within various care contexts. After each meeting, the artist adjusted the cartoons based on the group's discussions, while researchers and communicators revised the accompanying text. The overarching goal of this initiative is to offer materials that can support and stimulate reflections, thoughts, and discussions about person-centered care.  








Pamela Lindgren, Madeleine Beermann, Ida Björkman, Sylvia Määttä, Selma Wolofsky


Profilbild för Pamela Lindgren

Pamela Lindgren Rapportör

Designer and PhD candidate at Design & Human Factors, Chalmers University of Technology. Patient representative at GPCC
Pamela Lindgren Design Studio

Pamela Lindgren is engaged in science research, industrial design, product-, and graphic design as well as art. She is also active as a patient representative and patient researcher at the Centre for Person-centred Care -GPCC at the University of Gothenburg. Pamela has a Master of Fine Art Degree, from the School of Design and Crafts at the University of Gothenburg and is a PhD candidate at the division of Design & Human Factors, Department of Industrial and Materials Science, Chalmers University of Technology. Pamela Lindgren´s research aims to increased knowledge of user experience of products as well as user acceptance and adoption on the basis of aesthetic and emotional values, as well as functional needs and requirements. The research is also focused on different user groups, opportunities for participation and influence, and what consequences this will have on the final design solution. Pamela seeks to create an interplay between technology, construction and the human body. Universal Design, Design for All and Inclusive Design along with Evidence based and User-centered design with the end user in focus are important pillars symbolizing her method of working, with accessibility, participation, cultural diversity, social design and sustainable development.