Moving between being and doing- Illuminating meanings of person-centredness in residential care Har passerat
Tisdag 14 maj 2024 15:44 - 16:30 Poster Arena
Rapportör: Annica Backman
Spår: People of old age, Posters
Poster can be found in location 64.
Background: Despite a vast amount of research on various person-centred frameworks, interventions, processes, and outcomes in nursing homes, with convincing evidence that older persons and staff benefit from person-centred initiatives, meanings of person-centredness have still not been fully elucidated in the international literature. Aim: To illuminate meanings of person-centredness as narrated by nursing home managers in nursing homes. Method: Twelve nursing home managers in 11 highly person-centred nursing homes in 7 municipalities in Sweden were interviewed. The data were analysed by using phenomenological-hermeneutic analysis. The naive understanding revealed that person-centeredness involved both doing person-centredness and being person-centred. Additional elements of person-centredness such as; knowing, giving, sharing, and sensing emerged during the structural analyses. The comprehensive understanding highlights that person-centredness supports both dimensions of the self, Idem and Ipse, in Ricoeur´s hermeneutics of the self. Findings: Meanings of person-centredness could be understood as moving between doing and being through knowing, sensing, sharing, and giving for person-centredness. Moving between doing and being connects ‘what’ with ‘who’ in person-centred practices, by moving between “with and for” the older person and integrating the task ‘doing for’ with the relational aspects of ‘being with’. Conclusion: The findings indicate that moving between doing and being through the elements of knowing, sensing, sharing and giving for person-centredness has the potential to preserve, acknowledge and support the person’s identity. Also, embracing Knowing-, Sensing-, Sharing- and Giving for person-centredness may contribute with sense-making, preserve dignity, and promote self-esteem when aiming to provide a good life for older persons in nursing homes, within an ever-present ethical stance.
Annica Backman, Karin Sjögren, Hugo Lövheim, David Edvardsson
Annica Backman Rapportör
Institutionen för omvårdnad Umeå universitet