Personcentredness – the missing piece during the pandemic? Har passerat
Tisdag 14 maj 2024 15:44 - 16:30 Poster Arena
Rapportör: Cicilia Nagel
Spår: Posters, Pandemic preparedness and responses
Poster can be found in location 58.
Person-centred care is one of the core competencies for registered nurses in Sweden. Florence Nightingale's way of working is seen as an example of person-centred care. However, the amount of stress, workload, and mass casualty that Florence had to endure as a nurse during the Crimea war caused depression, and symptoms reminiscent of burnout. Stress researchers state that long periods of high workload can lead to a permanent hypersensitivity to stress. In general, nurses' own work situation and work environment form basic prerequisites for their opportunity for good occupational health, and to be able to do a good work. Therefore, to perform a person-centred care the nurses need to experience personcentredness in their own work situation influenced by the work culture of the organization. Our current research, where we analyze data from survey and in-depth semi-structured interviews with nurses that worked during the pandemic, has shown work caused mental illness in nurses working under high workload during the Covid-19 pandemic. Additionally, some nurses were not familiar with the term person-centred care and that some have heard of the term but are unfamiliar with what it implies. A majority of the informants stated that they did not work according to person-centred care during the pandemic. Something that could be considered a missed opportunity since there were restrictions in place during the pandemic meaning that relatives of patients were not in attendance. The nurses did not have the opportunity to provide the care and attention that both themselves and the authorities imposed on them, which could increase the risk of suffering from work-related mental illness. Therefore, it is of immense importance to develop new knowledge to understand if and how the organization enables personcenteredness in the nurses’ work situation to reinforce good and sustainable work experiences and retain nurses in the profession.
Cicilia Nagel, Petra Nilsson Lindström, Albert Westergren, Kerstin Nilsson
Cicilia Nagel Rapportör
PhD Candidate, CRNA, Lecturer
Lunds Universitet/ Högskolan Kristianstad
Posterpresenter. Will be presenting a part of my PhD project "Nurses' worksituation and health - before, during and after the Covid-19 pandemic", here my poster will discuss what we found regarding person-centred care from our research.