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Developing a concept for person-centred workplace learning Passed

Tuesday May 14, 2024 17:06 - 17:18 G1

Moderator: Maria Lindström
Presenter: Corinne Auer

Track: Learning and Education

A few years ago, the Nursing Development Unit of the Municipal Hospital Zurich, a Swiss tertiary hospital, developed a concept for person-centred workplace learning based on the Clinical Nurse Specialists' (CNS) shared values and principles of personcentredness. The concept was widely used for ongoing workplace learning with Registered Nurses (RN). However, since its development, a lot has changed. Challenges like the pandemic, hospital fusion with another municipal hospital and organisational restructuring contributed to a high level of nurse turnover and a shortage of registered nurses. Yet, promoting a person-centred learning culture where everyone can flourish has a high priority for the Nursing Development Unit. Further, a good introduction programme helps retaining nurses, especially newly graduates (Schmitt & Schiffman 2019). Therefore, the members of the Nursing Development Unit revised the concept in an inclusive, collaborative and participatory way. First, person-centred practice development literature was revisited and compared to a model of workplace facilitation- the critical allies framework (Hardiman & Dewing 2019). In a critical dialogue, the team members explored what is missing in the concept and negotiated what should be added. Second, the concept was tested in practice. Feedback from both CNS and RN using it in sequences of workplace learning was obtained and, where applicable, included in the concept.   In this presentation, we are going to share our experiences with revising the concept in a person-centred way. Further, we talk about enabling factors and barriers when using it in practice and give voice to registered nurses who experienced workplace learning using this concept.   



Seminar type

Pre-recorded + On-site

Lecture type





Corinne Auer, Katri Eskola, Rosa Grunder, Stefanie Wildmann, Christine Vetter, Anna Bernhard


Profile image for Maria Lindström

Maria Lindström Moderator

Umeå universitet

Maria Lindström, MDr, Reg OT, is ass.professor at the dept of Epidemiology and Global Health, Umeå University. She is co-researcher and co-PI of the intervention-project NEC, developing methods and pedagogics for `Narratively Engaged Care´ in elderly care, based at Karolinska Institute. She also leads two intervention and implementation projects based at UmU, focusing on mental health: The Everyday Life Rehabilitation (ELR) model for persons with Serious Mental Illness (SMI) living in supported housing facilities, and the `Unite Youths´; a social and mental health promotive intervention for university students. She has 25 years of teaching experiences in the field of person-centered approaches, including social aspects of being human.

Profile image for Corinne Auer

Corinne Auer Presenter

Clinical Nurse Specialist
Stadtspital Zürich

I am a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Oncology at the Stadtspital Zürich and a PhD candidate in the Centre for Person-Centred Practice Research at Queen Margaret University Endinburgh