Huvudbild för Mänskliga Rättighetsdagarna 2022
Profilbild för Youth defending human rights in the world's longest occupations

Youth defending human rights in the world's longest occupations Har passerat

Fredag 18 november 2022 15:00 - 15:30 Globala scenen

Moderator: Anna Roxvall
Paneldeltagare: Mahmoud S. Alsersawi, Mohamed Mayara

Both Palestinian and Saharawi are divided into those living as refugees and under occupation. Palestine and Western Sahara have been occupied for 55 respectively 47 year. This has young Sahrawis and Palestinians having a shared experience in being the second or even third generation growing up under occupation. This situation implies uncertainty about the future specially related to the impossibility to enjoy full social and economic rights.

The occupations have been fueled by the international community’s inability to enforce international law or protect against human rights violations for many decades. Depending where they live, their biggest struggle might be violence from occupying forces, limited freedom of assembly and speech, or lack of job and education opportunities. However, they all live in a state of being denied both civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. 

In this seminar, young Sahrawis and Palestinians analyse the impact of occupations on their social and economic rights, and also on their every day and long term safety and security.


Emmaus Stockholm


Miniseminarium (25 minuter)

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Fred och konflikt


Profilbild för Anna Roxvall

Anna Roxvall Moderator

Anna Roxvall är prisbelönt journalist som har jobbat med utrikesbevakning i över 14 år, med ett särskilt fokus på Afrika. Hon har skrivit tre reportageböcker, däribland Att svika ett folk (2018), som handlar om konflikten i Västsahara. Hennes senaste bok Till varje pris, som är skriven tillsammans med fotografen Johan Persson, nominerades till Guldspaden 2021.

Profilbild för Mahmoud S. Alsersawi

Mahmoud S. Alsersawi Paneldeltagare

Mahmoud S. Alsersawi is an assistant professor of mathematics and a Palestinian independent activist, born in the Gaza Strip and residing in Sweden. He works as amathematics and physics teacher, curriculum advisor and technical translator.

Profilbild för Mohamed Mayara

Mohamed Mayara Paneldeltagare

Equipe Media

Mohamed Mayara is a media activist, co-founder and coordinator of the collective of independent journalists Equipe Media, that aims to document Morocco’s repression against those who work for a free Western Sahara. Mohamed has been threatened many times for his work by Moroccan authorities and also been persecuted, arrested, tortured and received death threats. In 2018, Equipe Media had five members imprisoned for their journalism. One of the members has received a life term sentence; the others are serving sentences between 6 and 30 years.