Header image for Mänskliga Rättighetsdagarna 2018

100. Hate, threats and violence - A Muslim woman's everyday life Passed

Saturday November 17, 2018 13:00 - 14:00 C7

Moderator: Kadidja Bedoui
Panelists: Hajar El Jahidi, Mehek Muftee

Today, Muslim women throughout Sweden testify about hatred, violence and threats of violence. For many, different forms of harassment are a part of their everyday life. It happens on the bus, at work, in the store and has been common for a long time. What are the consequences of the frequent violence on Muslim women's freedom of movement? Furthermore, how is their self-esteem and mental health affected by constantly being the object of discussion of some journalists, debaters and politicians? What is being done today to counter this development? What does religious freedom mean in practice? Lastly, what is needed to ensure Muslim women's right to live a life free from violence?

The core of the discussion is the everyday life of Muslim women from a Swedish perspective but also within a broader European perspective. 


Ibn Rushd Studieförbund


Det offentliga rummet
Religion och övertygelsefrihet
Våldets effekter



Prioriterade målgrupper

Tjänstepersoner vid statliga myndigheter/departement
Intresserad allmänhet




Kadidja Bedoui Moderator

Hajar El Jahidi Panelist

Advocacy Coordinator of the European Forum of Muslim Women

Mehek Muftee Panelist

Uppsala Universitet