Header image for Mänskliga Rättighetsdagarna 2018

93. The Perils of Defending Human Rights Passed

Saturday November 17, 2018 10:00 - 11:00 T1

Lecturers: Andrea Rocca, Pierre Esperance
Moderator: Anna Wigenmark

This year marks the anniversary of the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders. It was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1998 but still today it is far too often ignored, human rights defenders are threatened, harassed and sometimes even killed when defending all our fundamental human rights. Even if the declaration is not legally binding, it is more and more acknowledged that violence against human rights defenders is a violation of a state’s obligations according to binding human rights treaties. In order to adhere to their obligations states should take steps to guarantee the protection of human rights defenders, including the adoption of specific legislation to protect and recognise defenders, and the revocation of legislation which restricts or hinders their work. But what identifies a human rights defender and why is this a kind of activism that places particular obligations on states? Can wichever method be used while defending human rights – breaking the the law? Is breaking the law sometimes inevitable? Why is there not a binding treaty particularly on the protection of human rights defenders – do we need one?

This seminar presents and discusses the perils and challenges human rights defenders all over the world face today – who or what constitutes the biggest threat; states or non-state actors? 


Mänskliga rättighetsdagarna och Föreningen Ordfront


Krig- och konfliktzoner
Akuta insatser
Brott mot mänskligheten
Mänskliga rättigheter
Politiskt våld
Statligt våld



Prioriterade målgrupper

Intresserad allmänhet



Sign language interpretation



Andrea Rocca Lecturer

Deputy Director at Fronline Defenders, Irland.

Pierre Esperance Lecturer

Executive Director RNDDH (National Human Rights Defense Network) Haiti, also Sectretary General for FIDH (International Federation for Human Rights)

Anna Wigenmark Moderator

Human Rights Lawyer and Secretary General Ordfront