Human Rights risks in the mining of minerals for electronics Passed
Friday November 16, 2018 09:00 - 09:30 Globala scenen
Moderator: Linda Scott Jakobsson
Panelists: Joakim Wohlfeil, Kristina Sehlin MacNeil
What kind of human rights impacts are mining communities facing, when minerals used in electronics are extracted? Smartphones and laptops contain a vast number of different minerals that are sourced from all over the world. However, mining communities in many countries face human rights abuse, severe environmental impacts and extractive violence in connection to mining operations. In this seminar, Swedwatch gives a sneak-preview of its new film on how mining communities in Zambia are impacted by large scale mining. The film trailer is followed by a panel discussion, focusing on challenges and impacts associated with minerals used in electronics, and what companies and buyers can do to prevent violations from occurring. The seminar is hosted by the European Campaign Make ICT Fair that is funded by the European Union under the EU Dear programme.
Det offentliga rummet
Internationell rättvisa
Mänskliga rättigheter
Responsibility to protect
Prioriterade målgrupper
Tjänstepersoner vid kommun
Intresserad allmänhet
Linda Scott Jakobsson Moderator
Researcher på Swedwatch
Joakim Wohlfeil Panelist
Policyrådgivare: Konflikt och rättvisa
Kristina Sehlin MacNeil Panelist
Forskar vid Centrum för Samisk forskning, Umeå universitet