Header image for Mänskliga Rättighetsdagarna i Göteborg


Here is the programme for the Swedish Forum for Human Rights in Gothenburg. Click on More search options below and check the box English to see the part of the program that is in English. Click on the arrow for a short description, under More information you can get a longer description and a presentation of the participants.

To attend the longer seminars during the Forum you need a ticket. 

If you have questions please contact info@mrdagarna.se or call +46(0)8-12 15 00 52

Please note that the program is preliminary and changes may occur. 




Prioriterade målgrupper




Form Miniseminarium

Att slå följe för demokratin i Palestina, Israel & Mexiko

Julia Carlbäcker, Kerstin Jonsson, Sandra Eriksson
Tuesday December 7, 2021 14:30 - 15:00 Globala scenen
Kristna Fredsrörelsen och Ekumeniska Följeslagarprogrammet, Skrivtolkas/textas

FN, demokratin och civilsamhället

Annelie Börjesson, Cecilia Ruthström-Ruin, Mats Hårsmar
Tuesday December 7, 2021 15:00 - 15:30 Globala scenen
Svenska FN-förbundet

“Leave no one behind” – hbtqi-inkludering i Agenda 2030

Shakhawat Hossain Rajeeb, International Program Manager
Tuesday December 7, 2021 15:30 - 16:00 Globala scenen