Western Sahara and Palestine: Democratic development without Human rights? Passed
Tuesday December 7, 2021 15:30 - 16:30 G2
Speakers: Amira Hass, Erik Halkjaer, Said Amidan
Moderator: Rima Chemirik
In swedish below.
In the occupied Western Sahara, the freedoms of expression, assembly and association are very limited. The occupying power, Morocco, upholds an almost total media blockade in the country where no international journalists or observers are allowed to enter the occupied territory. Sahrawi journalists and human rights activists risk their lives every day to share information to the rest of the world about the situation in the occupied Western Sahara.
In similarity to Sahrawis, generations of Palestinians have been denied their fundamental rights. The Israeli authorities limit the Palestinian people’s freedom of movement and their basic civil rights. For instance, Palestinians are systemically denied their freedom of residence, while their freedoms of assembly and association are severely violated. In turn, such violations deprive Palestinians from their right to express their voices.
In a functioning democratic system, human rights should be respected since the fundamental principles of democracy are based on people’s equal rights to freedom and autonomy. For instance, human rights such as freedom of speech and freedom of opinion are central to a functioning democratic system. To carry through fair elections, and to uphold transparency and accountability, it is crucial that people are free to have their own opinions and to seek and spread information across borders. Furthermore, freedom of assembly and freedom of association are necessary for people to be able to express and share their ideas without risk of reprisals. How do you achieve democratic development if such fundamental human rights are not respected?
In swedish:
I ockuperade Västsahara är yttrandefrihet, mötes- och föreningsfrihet mycket begränsad. Ockupationsmakten Marocko upprätthåller en nästintill total informationsblockad där varken internationella journalister eller observatörer tillåts resa in i det ockuperade territoriet. Västsahariska journalister och människorättsaktivister riskerar varje dag sina liv för att förmedla information till omvärlden om situationen i ockuperade Västsahara.
Liksom västsaharier har palestinier över flera generationer blivit nekade fundamentala rättigheter. Israeliska myndigheter begränsar palestiniers rörelsefrihet och grundläggande medborgliga rättigheter. Till exempel nekas uppehållsrätter systematisk och mötes- samt föreningsfriheter inskränks starkt vilket berövar palestinier deras rätt att få sina röster hörda.
Ett fungerande demokratiskt styrelseskick förutsätter att mänskliga rättigheter upprätthålls då demokratins grundprinciper vilar på människors lika rätt till frihet och autonomi. Den mänskliga rättigheten om yttrande- och åsiktsfrihet är en central del i detta. För att genomföra rättvisa val, uppnå transparens och ansvarsutkrävande krävs friheten till att hysa åsikter och söka samt sprida information oberoende av gränser. Likaså krävs rättigheten till mötes- och föreningsfrihet för att uttrycka och sprida idéer utan risk för repressalier. Men hur kan en demokratisk utveckling ske om sådana fundamentala mänskliga rättigheter inte respekteras?
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Fred och konflikt
Global utveckling
Amira Hass Speaker
Amira Hass is an Israeli journalist and author, mostly known for her columns in the daily newspaper Haaretz covering Palestinian affairs in the West Bank and Gaza, where she has lived for almost thirty years. She is the author of her widely acclaimed book "Drinking the sea at Gaza".
Erik Halkjaer Speaker
Reportrar Utan Gränser
Erik Halkjaer is a journalist with extensive experience in reporting on global development issues, human rights and Central America. He is the chair of Reporter without borders and the editor-in-chief of the magazine OmVärlden and has previously been the editor-in-chief of the magazine Latin America and the editor of the Swedish Afghanistan Committee's magazine Afghanistan-nytt and the Red Cross magazine Henry. He has also worked as an aid worker and as a press secretary.
Said Amidan Speaker
Equipe Media
Said Amidan is a media activist and journalist of the collective of independent journalists Equipe Media that aims to document Morocco’s repression against those who work for a free Western Sahara. Said has been threatened, arrested and persecuted for his work by Moroccan authorities.
Rima Chemirik Moderator
Strategic Advisor