Climate psycology: what creates change, motivation and innovation? Passed
Tuesday March 7, 2017 09:15 - 09:30 Main Stage
Speaker: Per-Esben Stoknes
Block: Key note speakers
Per-Esben Stoknes Speaker
Norwegian Business School, Norway
Co-chair professorship in Climate Strategy, Norwegian Business School.
Per Espen is an organizational psychologist with a PhD in climate economics. He holds a part-time position as researcher and senior lecturer at the Norwegian Business School where he teaches green growth, team leadership and scenario based strategy at the Executive Education, Oslo.
He is director of Centre for Green Growth. He is responsible for development of high level courses in executive team development and scenario strategy for Corporate Master level.
Per Espen is a popular lecturer in the Nordic countries, and holds several “best lecturer” awards at Executive School. Per Espen has been a co-founding entrepreneur for two clean-technology companies; GasPlas and AgroPlas, at which he held CEO and chairman positions.
His latest book is What We Think About When We Try Not To Think About Global Warming, which won the American Libraries Association Outstanding Academic Title of 2015 award, and has been featured in a number of countries. He has previously published three books, among them Money and Soul The Psychology of Money and the Transformation of Capitalism (2009). His research into climate communication includes the (2014) article “Rethinking climate communications and the “psychological
climate paradox” in Energy Research and Social Sciences.
As a consultant Per Espen has worked both with leadership development programmes and scenario strategy projects for a wide range of Nordic clients, particularly within energy sector. Examples including Norwegian Ministry of Oil and Energy. Schlumberger, Statoil, Statkraft, The Kongsberg Group, DnBNor Bank, Telenor, Sony-Ericsson and a number of governmental and educational agencies: Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, Ministry of Justice, University of Oslo and Norway’s Organisation for Technology Assessment and Tekna. This gives Per Espen a unique grasp of the Scandinavian & Nordic model for society- and business-development.