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Medicines and human rights - a global perspective Passed

Saturday November 16, 2019 11:30 - 12:00 Globala scenen

Moderator: Afifa Trad
Panelists: Andreas Rosenlund, Andrew Bambala

The vision of Pharmacists without Borders is: Everyone's right to good drug treatment. We work for all people's right to good drug treatment with a focus on global issues and to have a positive impact in low-and middle-income countries. We strive to improve the access to medicines and promote rational use of medicines, to lift medicines-related issues on the global agenda as well as raising awareness and commitment, an develop competency for these complex challenges among pharmacists and other key stakeholders both in Sweden and globally.

There are several aspects to human rights and medicines. This seminar will introduce a few global challenges surrounding medicines: access and availability of medicines, antibiotics resistance and falsified and substandard medicines. These issues are all related to medicines and are detriments to health and thus present major challenges to existing and future health care systems around the world. In their complexity, they have come to play an important role in the matter of human rights and the right to have equal opportunity to live a life of good health and good quality globally.


Farmaceuter utan Gränser


Jämlik hälsa



Prioriterade målgrupper

Studenter vid högskola/universitet
Tjänstepersoner vid statliga myndigheter/departement
Intresserad allmänhet



Sign language interpretation



Afifa Trad Moderator

Pharmacists without Borders

Andreas Rosenlund Panelist

Andreas Rosenlund is the Communication Director at one of Sweden’s major pharmacy chains, Kronans Apotek, owned by Oriola Corporation, which conducts retail, wholesale and distribution operations in pharmaceuticals and commodities in both Finland and Sweden. Andreas has been working in the pharmacy sector since 2001. Since 2009 he is part of the Board of Directors at Oriola Business, within the operational area Consumer. In his function he is also active in the European Healthcare Distribution Association, GIRP – the umbrella organisation for European pharmaceutical full-line wholesalers and distributors of healthcare products and services, representing a sector that is a vital link to healthcare and access.

Andreas has throughout his career been a strong promoter of democracy and human rights. In 1995 he co-founded the famous antiracist magazine Expo together with other Swedish journalists. He has furthermore worked for the disability organization Delaktighet Handlingskraft Rörelsefrihet, DHR dedicated to improve societal inclusiveness and to promote rights for people living with disabilities.

Andrew Bambala Panelist

Andrew Bambala is a pharmacist by profession specialized in antimicrobial stewardship and resistance and leadership and governance in public health. He has a broad experience ranging from work at the governmental level within the Ministry of Health in Zambia, to providing consultancy to the United Nations in projects implemented in his country as well as experience from working in rural areas of Zambia. Andrew Bambala is the former President of HOZAP (Hospital Pharmacists Association of Zambia) and currently the chairperson for the Network for Future Global Leaders at Karolinska Institutet, working to strengthen leadership skills among the scholars from development programs and to develop their active participation in innovation, entrepreneurship, democracy, gender development, human rights and sustainability.