Huvudbild för Mänskliga Rättighetsdagarna 2024

45. How can women’s political participation be safeguarded in a time of transition?

Fredag 15 november 2024 09:00 - 10:00 CET Scen 4

Paneldeltagare: Margot Wallström, Regina Bafaki

Today, civic space and civil society actors are facing pushback across the world, especially in autocratic countries where repressive laws are spreading. The Swedish Foundation for Human Rights invites you to a seminar with our Ugandan partner Action for Development (ACFODE). ACFODE is a civil society and women’s rights organisation working in Uganda, an autocratic country with restricted civic space, as stated in the Civic Space Index Report 2022. This designation indicates significant limitations on the activities of civil society organisations with authorities frequently obstructing their advocacy efforts. Drawing from experiences in Uganda, and the interrelations between Swedish and Ugandan civic society, the seminar will discuss strategies and ways to navigate in a shrinking civic space. This with a special focus on challenges and opportunities for women’s advocacy and political participation, and how it can be ensured also in times of transitions.


Fonden för mänskliga rättigheter


Demokratisk omställning






Konferensprogram (60 min)
Nivå: Medel


Margot Wallström Paneldeltagare

Regina Bafaki Paneldeltagare

Regina is the executive director of ACFODE (Action for Development), an Ugandan womens organization.