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Profile image for 65. Transitioning the fashion industry – is it just for everyone?

65. Transitioning the fashion industry – is it just for everyone?

Friday November 15, 2024 12:30 - 13:30 CET Scen 4

Key-note speakers: Khalid Mahmood, David Hachfeld
Speaker: Elin Tjernström
Moderator: Marlene Rosendal

Many hands are involved in the making of our clothes, most of which have travelled thousands of miles to get to us. Not only are there persistent violations of the workers' rights, but the global fashion industry also significantly contributes to the climate crises. When calling for a change within the industry, this change needs to include and respect the rights of garment workers, whilst also contributing to climate stabilization and ecological protection.

This seminar will examine how we can ensure that the transition to a more sustainable fashion industry considers both environmental and social factors, and an introductory presentation of an upcoming report by Swiss NGO Public Eye will frame the discussion. The seminar aims to raise the garment workers' voices in a just transition, with a special focus on the roles of fashion companies, unions and NGOs. The seminar offers a unique opportunity to hear the perspectives of experts from Fair Action (Sweden), Public Eye (Switzerland) and Labour Education Foundation (Pakistan).


Fair Action


Grön omställning


Intresserad allmänhet
Studenter och skolelever




Konferensprogram (60 min)
Nivå: Grund


Khalid Mahmood Key-note speaker

Director of the Labour Education Foundation (Pakistan).

David Hachfeld Key-note speaker

Research and Policy - Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC) at Public Eye (Switzerland).

Elin Tjernström Speaker

Project and finance manager at Fair Action (Sweden).

Marlene Rosendal ModeratorExhibitor

Fair Action

Secretary General at Fair Action (Sweden).