Huvudbild för Mänskliga Rättighetsdagarna 2024

Food as a Human Right: Addressing Global Challenges

Torsdag 14 november 2024 15:30 - 16:30 CET

Föreläsare: Brenda Muronda, Christine Nabwami
Moderator: Louise Lindfors

Afrikagrupperna invites you to a crucial seminar with international guests from our partnerorganisation La Via Campesina, Christine Nabwami from Uganda and Brenda Muronda from Zimbabwe. In this seminar we delve into the pressing issue of food as a human right, and the global challenges surrounding it. Despite the inherent right to adequate, sufficient, and healthy food, more than 735 million people worldwide still suffer from hunger and malnutrition. 

Our world faces recurring food crises that demand urgent and coordinated action. It's time for us, both in Sweden and globally, to unite in our pursuit of a human rights-based approach to address these challenges. We must shift our focus from simply producing more food to building global and national food systems that prioritize accessibility, adequacy, and sustainability. 

We are at a critical juncture where the impact of conflicts, economic crises, and climate change on the right to food cannot be overstated. It is our collective responsibility to promote and protect the right to food in communities and conflict zones.  

Afrikagrupperna promise you an interesting seminar full of;  

  • Insightful discussions led by experts from La Via Campesina Southern Africa and Sweden 

  • Exploration of the current situation in respective countries 

  • Recommended strategies to ensure food sovereignty for all 

  • Valuable insights into the complexities of the global food system 

  • Learnings about actionable steps to promote and protect the right to food 

  • Network with like-minded individuals and organisations dedicated to addressing food insecurity issues

Let's come together to make a difference in the fight against hunger and malnutrition and ensure that access to healthy culturally appropriate food is not just for the privileged. 


Louise Lindfors, Secretary General, Afrikagrupperna. 


International guest and representative from La Via Campesina; Christine Nabwami from ESAFF Uganda and Brenda Muronda (secretariat) from Zimbabwe. 

Furhter panellists to be confirmed.  




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Konferensprogram (60 min)
Nivå: Medel


Brenda Muronda Föreläsare

La Via Campesina (secretariat) in Zimbabwe

Christine Nabwami Föreläsare

La Via Campesina, (ESAFF) in Uganda

Louise Lindfors Moderator

Secretary General, Afrikagrupperna