Huvudbild för Mänskliga Rättighetsdagarna 2024

28. Fostering resilience in Ukraine: empowering human rights education through digital innovation in times of transition

Torsdag 14 november 2024 14:00 - 15:00 CET Tjärdalen

Moderator: Karen da Costa

In this panel, we will delve into the opportunities and challenges that arise from the dynamic conflict in Ukraine and their implications for our collaborative project with Ukrainian partners. The conflict's evolving nature has widespread effects on global security, necessitating an innovative approach to human rights education.

Our goal is to promote collaboration and tailor human rights and humanitarian law education for our Ukrainian partners in academia and civil society. By doing so, we aim to contribute to a future where sustainability and social, economic, and environmental progress take precedence over conflict.

Digitalization is at the heart of our project, enabling us to disseminate vital information on human rights during times of conflict. Through this approach, we aspire to support a transition towards a more promising future. The project embodies transnational solidarity, aligning with the ambitious vision of the Sustainable Development Goals, as we promote access to education and global partnership.


Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Gothenburg


Demokratisk omställning
Digital omställning


Intresserad allmänhet




Konferensprogram (60 min)
Nivå: Medel


Karen da Costa Moderator

Senior lecturer in human rights (University of Gothenburg)