Vercity Partner
Wacano Exhibitor
EdTech Future
Trilo Active Quiz Exhibitor
EdTech Future
Trilo Interactive is an award-winning EdTech company that creates gameapps with a focus on education, health and research. We have different app... Read more
Sting Partner
Snabbfoting Group Exhibitor
EdTech Future
Snabbfoting Group specializes in bite-sized and reinforcement learning solutions. We advise on strategy, platform-as-a-service, and do implementation... Read more
Royal Schedule Exhibitor
EdTech Future
Prion Exhibitor
EdTech Future
Pearson Exhibitor
Microsoft Partner
Learnster Exhibitor
Learnifier Exhibitor
EdTech Future
Learn2Esport Exhibitor
EdTech Future
As one of the fastest growing sports Esports engage millions of active players all over the world. The game League of Legends for example had 100... Read more
Junglemap AB Exhibitor
Junglemap uppfann NanoLearning "bite-sized learning" 2006 efter att vi insett att traditionell E-Learning var som att servera anställda ett kilo... Read more
Imagilabs Exhibitor
EdTech Future
Continuing Education Institute Europe AB Exhibitor
Boardon AB Exhibitor
EdTech Future
introduktion.nu är en preboarding-portal som gör det enkelt att skapa en attraktiv introduktion för dina nyanställda, oavsett om ni har flera hundra... Read more
Baloo Exhibitor
Asqill Exhibitor
EdTech Future