Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on population mental health: International perspectives Passed
Thursday September 23, 2021 11:00 - 12:10 B
Workshop leaders: Mark Bosmans, Michel Dückers
Presenters: Flavia Fulco, Mark Bosmans, Michel Dückers, Rasa Smaliukiene
- Monitoring population needs and wellbeing using panel studies, Mark Bosmans, Michel Dückers, Elske Marra, Peter van der Velden
- The psychological impact of COVID-19 in Italy through the voices of experts, Flavia Fulco
- Personal resilience: measuring psychological and biological stress during military conscription in the period of COVID-19 outbreak, Rasa Smaliukiene
Panel description
Like any disaster or crisis, the ongoing global COVID-pandemic can impact the mental health of those affected. Because the pandemic and the resulting preventive measures to contain it impact all facets of society, the consequences touch on the lives of everyone. The duration of the pandemic may further undermine the capacities of individuals to cope with its consequences. Furthermore, it is unclear when this pandemic will end, and when its related consequences (e.g. economic, healthcare, social and psychological) will reach pre-COVID-19 outbreak levels. Therefore, in order to monitor the impact of the pandemic on mental health of those affected, longitudinal measurements are needed among general population samples. Preferably prospective studies, so that pre-COVID baseline mental health levels can be established.
Countries are affected to a differing degree by the pandemic, and impose different measures at different times. As a result, the consequences of the pandemic will not be the same across countries, which may result in alternate developmental pathways of population mental health and wellbeing. A comparison of the currently available evidence suggests that the development of mental health problems during this ongoing crisis is not the same between different countries.
An international comparison of the longitudinal development of mental health and wellbeing of the general population will provide insight in the impact of the pandemic on a population level, and will help to compare risk- and protective factors.
In this panel, we invite researchers from different countries to present (prospective) longitudinal studies that examine development of mental health problems among the general population. The panel session will be concluded with a joint reflection on the factors that drive the differences and commonalities found between patterns of mental health across countries. The conveners provide a perspective on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and wellbeing of the general population of the Netherlands.
- Velden, P.G. van der, Hyland, P., Contino, C., Gaudecker, HM., von, Muffels, R., & Das, M. (2021). Anxiety and depression symptoms, the recovery from symptoms, and loneliness before and after the COVID-19 outbreak among the general population. Findings from a Dutch population-based longitudinal study. PLOS ONE.. 16(1):e0245057. https://do.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0245057
- Velden , P.G. van der, Contino, C., Das, M., Loon, P van, & Bosmans, M.W.G. (2020). Anxiety and depression symptoms, and lack of emotional support among the general population before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. A prospective national study on prevalence and risk factors. Journal of Affective Disorders, 277, 540-548. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2020.08.026
- Velden, P.G. van der, Marchand, M., Cuelenaere, B. & Das, M. (2020). Pre-outbreak determinants of perceived risks of corona infection and preventive measures taken. A prospective population-based study. PLOS ONE, 15(7):e0234600. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0234600
- Velden, P.G. van der, Marchand, M., Das, M., Muffels, R, Bosmans, M. The prevalence, incidence and risk factors of mental health problems and mental health services use before and 9 months after the COVID-19 outbreak among the general Dutch population. A 3-wave prospective study. In review.
- Velden, P.G. van der, Bakel, H. van , Das, M. Mental health problems among Dutch adolescents in 2012 and 2016, and 9 months after the COVID-19 outbreak. In review.
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Mark Bosmans Workshop leader
Senior researcher, PhD
Nivel - Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research
Michel Dückers Workshop leader
Research programme leader / Professor
Nivel - Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research
Flavia Fulco Presenter
Visiting Assistant Professor
Tohoku University
Mark Bosmans Presenter
Senior researcher, PhD
Nivel - Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research
Michel Dückers Presenter
Research programme leader / Professor
Nivel - Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research
Rasa Smaliukiene Presenter
Military Academy of Lithuania; VilniusTech (University)