Program 21 - 23 September
Conference opening and Keynote session - Drawing from experience
Kerstin Cuhls, Margareta Wahlström, Jörgen Sparf, Susanna Öhman, Vartan Ahrens Kayayan, Dimitri Ioannides, Evangelia Petridou, Jörgen Sparf
Tuesday September 21, 2021 10:00 - 12:00 A
Margareta Wahlström was elected President of the Swedish Red Cross on 6 May, 2017. She joined the Swedish Red Cross in 1987 as a Desk Officer for Southern Africa.
Kerstin Cuhls is a scientific project manager at the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI). She is in the International Editorial and Advisory Boards of different Journals and co-editor of the German Zeitschrift für Zukunftsforschung.
Tuesday September 21, 2021 12:00 - 13:00
Community response to crises and disasters: from preparedness to practices
Olof Oscarsson, Laurits Rauer Nielsen, Linda Kvarnlöf, Roine Johansson, Sandra Pfister, Wolfgang Hochbruck
Tuesday September 21, 2021 13:00 - 14:30 A
- Co-creating emergency response with unaffiliated, untrained citizen volunteers
- From Hierarchy to Anarchy: 'Spontaneous' Helpers in Disaster Situations and the Question of Organisation
- Closing the field. Boundary construction in the field of disaster response as preservation strategy
- Temporary affiliation: Volunteers during disaster response operations
Emerging voices and pathways to inclusive disaster studies
Femke Mulder, Laura Kmoch, Ricardo Fuentealba, Anna Torres Abblitt, Chrysant Lily Kusumowardoyo, Damithri Jayasekara, Husna Wulansari, Valentina Carraro, Vanicka Arora
Tuesday September 21, 2021 13:00 - 14:50 B
- Reconstruction of Heritage in Bhaktapur, Nepal: Examining Tensions and Negotiations Between the ‘Local’ and the ‘Global’
- Towards Meaningful Participation: Co-researching with Persons with Disabilities in Central Sulawesi
- Reviewing the place of Migrants in Disasters: A personal perspective
- Importance of creating a pathway for Voices to merge with Scientific Knowledge in Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction
- The C-word: potential contributions of Critical GIS to disaster studies
Deep Cultures of Disaster: The Significance of the Anthropological Perspective for Understanding the Interstices of Hazards and Disaster
Irena Leisbet Ceridwen Connon, Susanna Hoffman, Irena Leisbet Ceridwen Connon, Jennifer Spinney, Stephen Bender, Theresa Mentrup
Tuesday September 21, 2021 13:00 - 14:30 C
- The Significance of the Deep Cultural Perspective for Understanding Tempestuous Tales of Power and Compounded, Cascading Storms of Disaster
- Negotiating “Normality” in the Aftermath of the “Brumadinho Dam Disaster” (Minas Gerais, Brazil)
- Culture and Disaster Risk Assessment and Risk Reduction – Where is the Built Environment?
- Not all disaster experiences are created equal: Expanding “recovery” practices to reflect the lived realities of those impacted by disaster
Complex Disasters as Future Challenge for Disaster Research and Management
Cordula Dittmer, Daniel F. Lorenz, Ayushi Jain, Fatma Lestari, Peter McGowran, Theresa Berthold
Tuesday September 21, 2021 13:00 - 14:30 D
- Disaster Registries as Tools to Improve Understanding of Complex Disasters
- Exploring disasters-in-the-making in Kalimpong, West Bengal, India
- Natech risk management in Indonesia
- Contextualising Floods in India: The Challenge of Reinterpreting Flood Risk Management from a Socio-Political Perspective
Sharing Disaster Experience, Research and Innovation: A multi-hazard approach for risk management after Covid-19
Sebastien Boret, Takako Izumi, Alfi Rahman, Ariyaningsih Ariyaningsih, Veronica Strandh
Tuesday September 21, 2021 13:00 - 14:30 E
-Tracing and analyzing the ideas behind disaster volunteerism – a case study of Indonesia
-Strengthening the Panglima Laot Institution in Managing Coastal Hazard Impacts during the Pandemic Covid 19 Era: A Case of Aceh, Indonesia
-Flood Management Strategies in Ampal Watershed in Balikpapan, Indonesia
Rethinking disasters and social change: Beyond hope and despair
Flora Cornish, Nimesh Dhungana, Flora Cornish, Jose Mendes, Susanna Hoffman, Urmi Sengupta
Tuesday September 21, 2021 13:00 - 14:30 F
- “Grenfell changes everything?” Post-disaster agency beyond hope and despair
- (Re)adaptation of historic urban spaces in post-disaster recovery
- Citizenship and Extreme Events: Communities and the Imagining of Alternative Futures
RCR Simulation Lab Demonstration
Kari Pihl, Per Alexander Esbjörnsson
Tuesday September 21, 2021 13:00 - 13:30 I
RCR Simulation Lab is a laboratory at Mid Sweden University in Östersund where it is possible to simulate any environment or situation.
Tuesday September 21, 2021 14:30 - 15:00
Envisioning the future by learning from the past: Arts and memory in interdisciplinary disaster risk reduction research
Paulina Jáuregui, Elisa Sevilla, Giuseppe Forino, Agathe Dupeyron, Elisa PUGA, Elisa Sevilla, Karen Pascal, María Isabel Cupuerán Yánez, MARIA JOSE JARRIN YANEZ, Teresa Armijos Burneo
Tuesday September 21, 2021 15:00 - 16:30 A
- How did we get to this? Understanding social construction of risk and capacities from the neighborhood history
- Interdisciplinary public history interventions in DRR in Museums and schools in Quito
- Co-creating an online platform on disaster risk reduction with highschool students in Quito, Ecuador: Lessons from Evaluation
- Disaster Passed: a singing, flashing and sobering glimpse into coping with volcanic eruptions
Focus on human needs: Understanding good and bad practices in public health crises
Lise Eilin Stene, Michel Dückers, Jurriaan Jacobs, Lisa Govasli Nilsen, Lise Eilin Stene, Michel Dückers
Tuesday September 21, 2021 15:00 - 16:30 B
- Preparing for the unexpected: A comparative study of policy responses addressing post-terror health reactions in Norway and France
- Psychosocial care to civilians affected by terrorist attacks in Norway (2011), France (2015), Belgium (2016), and the Netherlands (2019)
- Network professionalism: the interplay between professional work and network viability
- A closer look at evaluation challenges in post-disaster mental health and psychosocial support
- Be (under-)prepared: Responding to Covid-19
- Rethinking Cultural/Social Resources as Disaster Adaptive Strategies toward Resilience: A Case from Sri Lanka
- Towards a richer understanding of Kosi river floods in Bihar, India: Deploying anthropological perspective
- Chronicle of a foretold disaster. Climate change, glacier melting, and risk perception in the Alps
Post-apocalyptic dystopias and disaster studies: Crossdisciplinary perspectives on environmental challenges today
Matias Barberis Rami, Emily Eyestone, Matias Barberis Rami
Tuesday September 21, 2021 15:00 - 17:00 D
- Displacement: uprooting, survival and perspectives
- Cannibalizing Utopia: Suzanne Césaire’s Ecofeminist critique of Colonial Discourse of the Tropics
Sharing Disaster Experience, Research and Innovation: A multi-hazard approach for risk management after Covid-19
Sebastien Boret, Takako Izumi, Sebastien Boret, Takako Izumi
Tuesday September 21, 2021 15:00 - 16:30 E
-Managing Mass Death in Times of Multiple Crisis: Lessons from the 2011 Japan Disasters and the Covid-19 pandemic
-Multi-hazards disaster response and recovery: experiencing natural hazards in pandemic
- New perspectives for emergency response – Lessons learned on crisis mapping from trials and exercises
- Your COP? - I see it differently. - Sharing experience of working with practitioners on COP
- Balancing levels of operational support of map-based tools for facilitating a common operational picture
- Maps and mapping practices in search and rescue operations in northern Norway
- Adoption and use of standard operating procedures for emergency response
Storytelling, Gamification & Co: Using Creative Tools to Design Disaster Cultures in the Anthropocene
Tuesday September 21, 2021 15:00 - 16:10 H
Moved to Tuesday 17.00
Tuesday September 21, 2021 16:30 - 17:00
Colloquium: European Alliance of Disaster Research Institutes (EUADRI)
Jörgen Sparf
Tuesday September 21, 2021 17:00 - 18:30 A
How to ensure our future - prevention of low-chance or far-off catastrophes by states
Bas Heerma van Voss, Bas Heerma van Voss, Ivo Nas
Tuesday September 21, 2021 17:00 - 17:50 B
- Of Critical Importance: Toward a quantitative probabilistic risk assessment framework for critical infrastructure
- Why states are not keeping us safe in the long run: the theory and practice of preventing future societal destabalization