The interplay of crisis and art Passed
Wednesday September 22, 2021 15:00 - 17:00 B
Workshop leader: Evangelia Petridou
Presenters: Anna-Sara Fagerholm, Dimitri Ioannides, Evangelia Petridou, Karina Goransson, Konstantinos Avramidis, Linda Thompson, Robert Soden, Todd Lowery
- Architecture as a Material Social Record: Drawing an Atlas of Athenian Crises, Konstantinos Avramidis
- Exploring how crises are visualized in design activism campaigns, Karina Göransson, Anna-Sara Fagerholm, Linda Thompson
- Art/Science Collaboration as a Critical Technical Practice in Disaster Research, Robert Soden
- “Barricades, Blocks, and Borders: Lines of Division and Lines of Communication in Contested Urban Spaces”, Todd Lowery
- Street Art and the ‘Right to the City’ in a Fragmented Metropolis: The Case of Beirut, Dimitri Ioannides, Evangelia Petridou
Panel description
Since the 1980s, art and culture have, on a global scale, been considered to be a means to economic development and revitalization of distressed urban areas (Comunian, 2009; Florida, 2002a;b; Lloyd, 2006; Zuckin, 1982; 1989), while in the EU they are seen as a way towards territorial cohesion in peripheral rural regions (Petridou and Ioannides, 2014). However, art itself rarely functions as the telos of such arguments; rather it remains a means to some end. In this panel, we seek to further investigate the role of art in (contested) urbanscapes, We build on existing literature (see, for example, Leventis, 2015; Leventis, Ioannides and Petridou, 2015) and invite papers seeking to understand, how art (including street art) may inform, anticipate or reflect changes to the urban landscape and social fabric of the city during times of crisis. Further, we call for investigations into the interplay of art and the contextual factors of space and crisis.
Comunian, R. (2009), ‘Questioning creative work as driver of economic development:
The case of Newcastle-Gateshead’, Creative Industries Journal,
2: 1, pp. 57–71.
Florida, R. (2002a), ‘Bohemia and economic geography’, Journal of Economic
Geography, 2: 1, pp. 55–71.
____ (2002b), The Rise of the Creative Class, New York: Basic Books.
Ioannides, D. , Leventis, P. & Petridou, E. (2016). Urban Resistance Tourism Initiatives in Stressed Cities : The Case of Athens. In: Reinventing the Local in Tourism: Producing, Consuming, and Negotiating Place.A. P. Russo and G. Richards, (eds). Bristol : Channel View Publications, pp. 229-250.
Leventis, P. (2015). Visualizing the Crisis on an Urban Canvas: Two Artists in the Streets of Athens, 2008-2014. Street and Urban Creativity Scientific Journal,1.
Lloyd, R. (2006), Neo-Bohemia: Art and Commerce in the Postindustrial City,
New York: Routledge.
Petridou, E. and Ioannides, D. (2012), ‘Conducting creativity in the periphery of
Sweden: A bottom-up path towards territorial cohesion’, Creative Industries
Journal 5: 1+2, pp. 119–137, doi: 10.1386/cij.5.1-2.119_1
Zukin, S. (1989), The Culture of Cities, Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Zuckin, S. (1982), Loft Living,New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University
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Evangelia Petridou Workshop leader
Associate Professor
Mid Sweden University
Anna-Sara Fagerholm Presenter
Senior Lecturer Department of Design
Mid Sweden University
Dimitri Ioannides Presenter
Chaired Professor of Human Geography
Mid Sweden University
Evangelia Petridou Presenter
Associate Professor
Mid Sweden University
Karina Goransson Presenter
Senior Lecturer Graphic Design
Mid Sweden University
Konstantinos Avramidis Presenter
Lecturer in Architecture
University of Cyprus
Linda Thompson Presenter
Mid Sweden University
Robert Soden Presenter
Todd Lowery Presenter
Artist and Professor of Fine Arts
Drury University, USA