Header image for Designing the Future – The Circular Design, Building and Construction Summit 2023
Profile image for Diversity in Real Estate

Diversity in Real Estate Passed

Thursday October 26, 2023 11:00 - 12:00 CEST Future Talk

Lecturers: Anne Tischer, Diana Wiedmann (Drees & Sommer), Hans Hanschke, Hartwig von Saß, Natalie Bräuninger
Moderator: Ann-Katrin Enz (Drees & Sommer)

Category: Future Talk


From Vision To Future Real Estate Solutions


Profile image for Anne Tischer

Anne Tischer Lecturer

Gründerin und Vorsitzende des Vereins und Geschäftsführerin
FRAUEN !N FÜHRUNG und Karma she said GmbH

Profile image for Diana Wiedmann (Drees & Sommer)

Diana Wiedmann (Drees & Sommer) Lecturer

Associate Partner - CHRO
Drees & Sommer

Profile image for Hans Hanschke

Hans Hanschke Lecturer

Commercial Manager

Profile image for Hartwig von Saß

Hartwig von Saß Lecturer

Projektleiter Real Estate Arena
Real Estate Arena

Profile image for Natalie Bräuninger

Natalie Bräuninger Lecturer

Leitung PR/Kommunikation
ICG Institut für Corporate Governance

Profile image for Ann-Katrin Enz (Drees & Sommer)

Ann-Katrin Enz (Drees & Sommer) ModeratorOrganizer

Drees & Sommer