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Intelligent ecosystem to improve the governance, the sharing, and the re-use of health data for rare cancers (IDEA4RC): an introduction
Andreas Muth, ELENA Martinelli
Onsdag 21 maj 2025 13:00 - 13:15 F5
A real-world solution to secondary health data use in cancer: the IDEA4RC project, English, Live + på plats
The need for data in rare cancer - a patient perspective
Olivia Hammar
Onsdag 21 maj 2025 13:15 - 13:30 F5
A real-world solution to secondary health data use in cancer: the IDEA4RC project, English
Showcase Data-reuse challenges tackled with IDEA4RC solutions
Annalisa Trama, Eugenio Gaeta, Frank Martin, Ioanna Drympeta, Laura Lopez Perez, Unai Zulaika
Onsdag 21 maj 2025 13:30 - 15:00 F5
A real-world solution to secondary health data use in cancer: the IDEA4RC project, English, Live + på plats
Showcase Data-reuse challenges tackled with IDEA4RC solutions
Legal/privacy challenges of today: EU perspective
Jerome de Barros
Onsdag 21 maj 2025 15:30 - 15:50 F5
A real-world solution to secondary health data use in cancer: the IDEA4RC project, English, Live + på plats
Legal/privacy challenges of today: the nordic countries experiences
Onsdag 21 maj 2025 15:50 - 16:10 F5
A real-world solution to secondary health data use in cancer: the IDEA4RC project, English, Live + på plats
Legal/privacy challenges of today in Sweden
Tina Chavoshi
Onsdag 21 maj 2025 16:10 - 16:30 F5
A real-world solution to secondary health data use in cancer: the IDEA4RC project, English, Live + på plats
Round Table The way ahead from a Nordic countries and European perspective
Onsdag 21 maj 2025 16:30 - 17:00 F5
A real-world solution to secondary health data use in cancer: the IDEA4RC project, English, Live + på plats
Jerome de Barros (TBC), Sebastian Zigler, Tina Chavoshi, VALO rep (value from Nordic countries data))