Virtual hospital at home – development of comprehensive solution for digital tracking and follow-up of dialysis patients at home. Har passerat
Tisdag 25 augusti 2020 15:30 - 16:00 Spetsteknik för hälsa, vård och omsorg
Föreläsare: Annette Fure, Dag Ausen, Elin Sundby Boysen, Etty Ragnhild Nilsen
Virtual hospital at home – development of comprehensive solution for digital tracking and follow-up of dialysis patients at home. Etty R. Nilsen, University of Southeastern-Norway, Elin Sundby Boysen, Sintef A/S, Annette Fure, Telemark Hospital and Dag Ausen, Imatis A/S. The «patient’s own healthcare service» is introduced as the objective for the health care service of the future. One of the most salient tools in reaching this goal is increased use of technology and digitalization in general. A number of Norwegian hospitals have initiated innovation projects in order to map how the hospital may track and follow up patients at home, for example in order to dispatch the patient earlier from the hospital and increase the patient’s quality of life. Parallell to this, the Norwegian Directorate of Health has established a national project on remote patient monitoring of patients with chronic diseases that receive treatment in their own home. The goal is to develop a digital solution that makes it possible for patients treated at home to perceive the health care service as a seamless and comprehensive service, a solution that does not exist to date. This will improve self-efficacy and prevent both increase and aggravation of chronic and other diseases. A patient portal for ‘virtual hospital at home’ will be of great use for a number of patient groups, for instance patient with epilepsy, with COPD, heart failure, cancer, diabetes, psychological health issues or obesity. Additionally, it can be used for a general dialogue with patients as a regular follow up in a treatment or rehabilitation course, and would be appropriate for home treatment of children. This will facilitate home-based treatment, and enable the patients to live at home and feel safe during follow-up of their health conditions, and will be able to take more responsibility in the treatment process, which will increase their sense of achievement. This solution will be of great value for the hospitals, both in terms of efficiency and operations, and in terms of increased capacity for increasing the number of patients. Thus, the potential socioeconomic advantages are great. The research project «Virtual hospital at home» aims to test a comprehensive, digital solution for virtual hospital at home that can be adapted to various patient groups. This can be achieved through learning how a digital solution supports the various needs that the patients and the hospital staff has. The project aims to describe how the work processes and the logistics concerning the treatment can be improved, as well as explore both potential benefits and the transferability to other patient groups. Furthermore, the project aims to give an account of how the solution can be a part of the regular practice and scaled based on cloud-based service, and at the same time clarifying the risk and vulnerability tied to the privacy regulations (GDPR) and data safety. The research questions will be answered through semi-structured interviews and observations of the nurses responsible for the interaction with the patients, in addition to interviews with patients and possibly their next of kin. The project is supported by the regional network ‘Healthinnovation Telermark’, and is a triple-helix cooperation between Telemark Hospital, Norway, Sintef A/S, the University of South-Eastern Norway and Imatis A/S. The project is funded by Oslofjordfondet, part of the Regional Research Fund in Norway.
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Annette Fure Föreläsare
Dag Ausen FöreläsareUtställare
Imatis AS
Dag Ausen is Vice President Business Development and Marketing, Imatis AS and has has 25 years active experience in contract research and collaboration projects at national, Nordic and European level from SINTEF. He has been coordinating several European projects in FP6 & FP7 with successful outcome. At national level he has been managing several research and innovation projects within the “health and technology” domain. Some examples are the projects "Safe Tracks" (“Trygge spor”), "Safety@Home" (“Trygghetspakken”) and "SamKAD – digital collaboration in municipal acute services".
At Imatis he is responsible for business development, marketing in addition to research and development activities. He is part of the management team and responsible for the project “Digital solution for dialysis patients at home”.
Elin Sundby Boysen Föreläsare
Research Scientist
Elin Sundby Boysen is research scientist at SINTEF Digital in contract research and collaboration projects. Her research areas include development and implementation of new technologies for health and care organisations, how this requires understanding of user needs amongst end users and staff, how information is established and used in different parts of the organisation and how services, work processes and technology must be (re)designed to realize the potential of the new technology. Projects include studies on mobile safety alarms, telecare systems, lightweight IT for collaboration and situation awareness, IT-systems for increased user empowerment, the use of heart rate measurement as a way of communicating for individuals with severe communication disabilities, development of new technology for ambulatory blood pressure measurement.
Etty Ragnhild Nilsen Föreläsare
Etty R. Nilsen (PhD) is Professor of Health and Technology at the USN Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Norway. Her research interests include implementation and welfare technology, innovation in and management of healthcare institutions, knowledge management and regional development. Professor Nilsen has led a major research project on implementation of digital surveillance technology in eight municipalities in Norway, and is currently working on an implementation project to improve communication and information exchange between hospital and patient in a home-based treatment for patients with kidney failure. Recent research has been published in BMC Health Services Research, Regional Studies, AMCIS proceedings, and International Journal of Innovation Management.