National Monitoring of eHealth in the Nordic Countries – Perspectives from Researchers and Government Agencies Har passerat
Tisdag 25 augusti 2020 15:30 - 17:00 Implementering
Paneldeltagare: Annemieke Ålenius, Christian Nøhr, Gudrun Audur Hardardottir, Kenneth Bøgelund Ahrensberg, Sabine Koch
Many countries have introduced national strategies for developing, disseminating and implementing eHealth. It is however not so common to find thorough monitoring activities that evaluate what has been achieved and whether the goals in the strategies really have been accomplished. The Nordic eHealth Research Network (NeRN), which was established by the Nordic Council of Ministers’ eHealth group, has been developing indicators to monitor national progress in eHealth implementation in the Nordic countries since 2012. The results contain a methodology for generating eHealth indicators [1], benchmarking results comparing 49 common eHealth indicators between the Nordic countries [2] and recommendations for the long-term management of eHealth indicators [3]. The most recent work includes an analysis of the impact of policies and governance efforts in the Nordic countries, an update of common indicators for monitoring availability, use and outcome of health information technologies in accordance with emerging new policy goals, and an analysis and recommendations around a Nordic model survey to monitor citizens’ views on eHealth [4]. The results of this collaborative work led further to the development of a Swedish citizen survey that was then administrated in Autumn 2019 by the Swedish eHealth Agency with help from Statistics Sweden and that will be presented at Vitalis (ID3514). Overall, the NeRN results point at important differences in the approach in the different Nordic countries and also call attention to areas to consider in order to realize national policies. Major results of the NeRN work will be presented and discussed between researchers and government representatives. Panel organization Introduction of the participants: 5 min Summary of the results of the NeRN work: 15 min Discussion amongst the panelists regarding the following questions: 30 min -How was eHealth monitoring initiated and how is it performed in the different countries? -What is the background to different policy goals in the different countries? -What can Nordic countries learn from each other? -Which future indicators should be measured and compared? Questions from the audience: 5 min References 1.Hyppönen H, Faxvaag A, Gilstad H, Audur Hardardottir G, Jerlvall L, Kangas M, Koch S, Nøhr C, Pehrsson T, Reponen J, Walldius Å, Vimarlund V. Nordic eHealth Indicators: Organisation of research, first results and plan for the future. Tema Nord 2013:522 http://www.norden.org/en/publications/publikationer/2013-522 2.Hyppönen H, Kangas M, Reponen J, Nøhr C, Villumsen S, Koch S, Audur Hardardottir G, Gilstad H, Jerlvall L, Pehrsson T, Faxvaag A, Andreassen H, Brattheim B, Vimarlund V, Kaipio J. Nordic eHealth Benchmarking. Tema Nord 2015:539 http://norden.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:821230/FULLTEXT01.pdf 3.Hyppönen H, Koch S, Faxvaag A, Gilstad H, Nøhr C, Audur Hardardottir G, Andreasson H, Bertelsen P, Kangas M, Reponen J, Villumsen S, Vimarlund V. Nordic eHealth benchmarking - From piloting towards established practice. Tema Nord 2017: 528 http://norden.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1093162/FULLTEXT01.pdf 4.Nøhr C, Faxvaag A, Tsai CH, Auður Harðardóttir G, Hyppönen H, Andreassen HK, Gilstad H, Jónsson H, Reponen J, Kaipio J, Voigt Øvlisen M, Kangas M, Bertelsen P, Koch S, Villumsen S, Schmidt T, Tuulikki V, Vimarlund V. Nordic eHealth Benchmarking - Towards evidence informed policies. Tema Nord 2019 in press
Annat, eHälsa
Forskare (även studerande)
Inspelad föreläsning
Annemieke Ålenius Paneldeltagare
Chef för avdelningen för samordning på E-hälsomyndigheten samt ordförande för arbetsgruppen uppföljning inom Vision e-hälsa 2025
Christian Nøhr Paneldeltagare
University of Southern Denmark
Professor of Health Informatics, University of Southern Denmark
Gudrun Audur Hardardottir Paneldeltagare
Project Manager, National Centre for eHealth, Directorate of Health, Iceland
Sabine Koch Paneldeltagare
Karolinska Institutet
Professor of Health Informatics, Karolinska Institutet