Header image for Mänskliga Rättighetsdagarna 2016

29. What should be done to improve refugee protection? Passed

Thursday November 17, 2016 15:00 - 16:00 Live 4 + 5

Panelists: Eleni Karageorgiou, Faculty of Law, Lund University, Matthew Scott, Faculty of Law, Lund University, Mo Hamza, Division of Risk Management and Societal Safety, faculty of Engineering, Lund University, Thomas Gammeltoft Hansen, Raoul Wallenberg Institute

Category: The right to seek asylum

The global number of displaced persons are currently historically high. The capacity to provide refugee protection in conformity with international human rights standards is being tested not just in Sweden and Europe, but even more so in countries in the region of origin, which continue to host the vast majority of the world’s refugees. At the same time, many developed countries are ducking their responsibilities. Draconian immigration policies are put in place and borders re-erected both within and around Europe. Based on current research conducted at Lund University and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute this panel discusses what could and should be done to improve refugee protection, locally, nationally, regionally and globally.


Raoul Wallenberg Institute






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Eleni Karageorgiou, Faculty of Law, Lund University Panelist

Matthew Scott, Faculty of Law, Lund University Panelist

Mo Hamza, Division of Risk Management and Societal Safety, faculty of Engineering, Lund University Panelist

Thomas Gammeltoft Hansen, Raoul Wallenberg Institute Panelist