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Tema: Språk: Engelska
Alla programpunkterWomen in Green Hydrogen session: 30% of our managers are women – Progress or illusion?
Anna Grzelec
Torsdag 12 december 2024 15:40 - 17:00 Sal T3
Språk: Engelska , Öppen nätverksträff med Women in Green Hydrogen
This session is a combined lecture and workshop. First, Anna Grzelec will explore the challenges and opportunities associated with gender equality, sharing actionable strategies and research-based insights. In the workshop, participants will collaborate to identify challenges in their workplaces, share perspectives, and develop actionable ideas to foster equality. The workshop’s insights will directly inform Vätgas Sverige’s ongoing gender equality project, “The Green Energy Future – A New Industry with New Opportunities.” Click on "more information" to read more.
Gemensamt avslut
Torsdag 12 december 2024 15:20 - 15:35 Sal T1
Språk: Engelska , Sammanfattning och avslut
Dags att knyta ihop Vätgaskonferensen 2024! Vad tar vi med oss, vad kan vi blicka fram emot nästa år?Prisutdelning för BÄSTA POSTER! Information om framstegen för Women in Green – Sweden som lanserades under förra årets Vätgaskonferens. Välkomna över till nästa öppna nätverksträff inom Women in Green Hydrogen - Sweden som faktiskt sätter igång här på mässan direkt efter denna avslutning.Vi ses igen i slutet av nästa år för Vätgaskonferensen 2025!***Time to conclude the Swedish Hydrogen Conference 2024! What are we taking with us, what can we look forward to next year? Award ceremony for the WINNING POSTER of the year! Information on the progress of Women in Green – Sweden which was launched during last year's Swedish Hydrogen Conference. Welcome to the next open networking meeting within Women in Green Hydrogen - Sweden, which will actually start here at the fair right after this conclusion. See you again at the end of next year for the Hydrogen Conference 2025!
Introduktion: Voices of the industry
Björn Wengse
Torsdag 12 december 2024 14:30 - 14:32 Sal T3
Voices of the industry, Språk: Engelska
Fossil-free airplanes with liquid hydrogen - experiences from Umeå Airport
Anders Lundblad, Rise Research Institutes of Sweden, John Nilsson
Torsdag 12 december 2024 13:45 - 14:05 Sal T3
Vätgasflyg, Språk: Engelska
Flying with liquid hydrogen as a fuel is a necessity for the future fossil-free aviation industry. Therefore, the long-term infrastructure of airports with liquid hydrogen must be planned using realistic scenarios and forecasts. In the ongoing FlyH2UME project, the establishment of a hydrogen plant at Umeå Airport will be studied and planned, including safety requirements and the possibility of scaling up. The project's “blueprint” can be used as a model for other airports' establishment of hydrogen aircraft.
Hydrogen aircraft of the future: Technology, potential and performance
Tomas Grönstedt, Chalmers tekniska högskola
Torsdag 12 december 2024 13:30 - 13:45 Sal T3
Språk: Engelska , Vätgasflyg
Learn about the latest research results in hydrogen research from Chalmers University of Technology together with Tomas Grönstedt. He will talk about the technology and potential of hydrogen preheating and its integration with the turbofan engine, as well as the performance, challenges, and conditions of future hydrogen aircraft.
Advancing Hydrogen Electric Propulsion: Insights from the H2GEAR Project
Simon Taylor
Torsdag 12 december 2024 13:10 - 13:30 Sal T3
Vätgasflyg, Språk: Engelska
Simon will talk about GKN Aerospace activities around the H2Gear project that intends to address the topic of Hydrogen Electric Propulsion (H2EP), as studied under the Hybrid Hydrogen Electric Architecture (H2GEAR) program. This system uses hydrogen fuel cells powered by liquid hydrogen, leveraging its energy capacity and cooling benefits. Aspects of how a cryogenically cooled power train can boost energy conversion and reduce system mass, as well as the choices involved in designing a safe, effective powertrain for a conceptual aircraft will be addressed.
Fueling the Future: Key Catalysts for Expanding Hydrogen Fuel Cell Deployment
Andreas Bodén
Torsdag 12 december 2024 13:00 - 13:10 Sal T3
Vätgasflyg, Språk: Engelska
Andreas Bodén is the moderator for the session on Hydrogen flights and starts the session by discussing the opportunities and obstacles for larger implementation of emission-free flying and what developments are taking place today for implementation in larger aircrafts.
Mingle in the poster sessionen
Torsdag 12 december 2024 11:20 - 12:00 T-foajén
Språk: Engelska , Poster pitch och poster session
In this session, you can speak to researchers and participants from the poster pitch. Click on more information/mer information to see which additional posters will be displayed.
Poster pitch
Torsdag 12 december 2024 10:35 - 11:20 Sal T3
Språk: Engelska , Poster pitch och poster session
Join this session to access the latest hydrogen research! Click on more information/mer information to see which researchers will give a 2-minute pitch on stage about their projects.
Rakel Wreland Lindström
Torsdag 12 december 2024 10:30 - 10:35 Sal T3
Språk: Engelska , Poster pitch och poster session
Fossilfree beer with Hydrogen
Cecilia Svensson, Peter Rydebrink, Euromekanik
Torsdag 12 december 2024 09:40 - 10:00 Sal T3
Ekonomi och marknad, Språk: Engelska
Åbro brewery is changing their brewery energy system into a fossile free system using their own water, solar power and hydrogen. Listen to the background of their investment and how it is being realized in a step by step approach.
Efficient use of hydrogen: the details that boost profitability
Oscar Lagnelöv, Quantified Carbon, Sebastian Svanström
Torsdag 12 december 2024 09:20 - 09:40 Sal T3
Ekonomi och marknad, Språk: Engelska
In their work with plant optimization with LKAB in Sweden and Sizewell C in England, Quantified Carbon has gained a holistic perspective with valuable insights and recommendations for how these actors should use hydrogen. At the conference, they will share their insights on how important a holistic perspective is in plant design and how small details can affect profitability.
Putting hydrogen on the market – a story of close co-operation
Cecilia Svensson, Peter Rydebrink, Euromekanik, Staffan Sandblom, Vuokko Laaninen
Torsdag 12 december 2024 08:35 - 09:05 Sal T3
Språk: Engelska , Ekonomi och marknad
In this session, Fortum and Euromekanik will discuss their roles in the Kalla Project; a hydrogen test center in Loviisa. The Kalla test center will be used for technical piloting and exploring clean hydrogen production. It also serves as a reference case for future Power-to-X (P2X) projects in Finland. The focus of their presentation will be on the maturity of the hydrogen market, the importance of projects for developing technology standards, and the dynamics of collaboration between a large Finnish company and a smaller Swedish one. Insights from the project's setup and complexity will be shared, highlighting lessons learned to pave the way for future initiatives.
Lars Andersson
Torsdag 12 december 2024 08:30 - 08:35 Sal T3
Ekonomi och marknad, Språk: Engelska
Do’s and Don’ts when maintaining the ambitions of Nordic hydrogen leadership
Lise Nielson
Onsdag 11 december 2024 16:20 - 16:40 Sal T1
Språk: Engelska , Internationell utblick
How do we get from projects and feasibility studies to the Hydrogen economy? We probably have to do it together.
Leading the Hydrogen Revolution: Insights from the Canadian Hydrogen Association
Ivette Vera-Perez
Onsdag 11 december 2024 16:00 - 16:20 Sal T1
Språk: Engelska , Internationell utblick
Canada aims to become a top three clean hydrogen producer in the world by 2050, with a projected value of the domestic market for hydrogen and related products of $50 billion according to its National Hydrogen Strategy. With a 100-year legacy of industry and research expertise, Canada’s hydrogen and hydrogen technology sector is a global leader as a result of pioneering technologies and a strong history of partnerships between industry, academia, governments and other international professional associations. The Canadian Hydrogen Association has played a key role in this leadership and will continue to do so while helping to create a prosperous net-zero world.
Panel discussion: 5 years to 2030. How can we reach the targets?
Jonas Åkermark, Daniel Bergstrand, Fredrik Mannerfelt, Scania, Roy Zakrzewski
Onsdag 11 december 2024 15:49 - 16:19 Sal T4
HFC Nordic: Transport och sjöfart, Språk: Engelska
Jonas Åkermark
Onsdag 11 december 2024 15:38 - 15:47
HFC Nordic: Transport och sjöfart, Språk: Engelska
Current outlook from the Swedish Government´s offices of Science and Innovation
Maria Brogren, Marika Amartey, Per-Arne Wikström, Tina Karlberg
Onsdag 11 december 2024 15:30 - 16:00 Sal T1
Språk: Engelska , Internationell utblick
Science and innovation counsellors: Beijing, New Delhi, London, and Washington D.C.
Scania’s Hydrogen Journey: Challenges, Innovations, and Achievements
Fredrik Mannerfelt, Scania
Onsdag 11 december 2024 15:27 - 15:36 Sal T4
Språk: Engelska , HFC Nordic: Transport och sjöfart
The presentation will explore the challenges and solutions associated with hydrogen-powered vehicles. It will delve into pilot projects for Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs) and Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engines (H2 ICE), highlighting the cutting-edge technology driving these innovations. Additionally, the discussion will cover Scania’s approach to Zero-Emission Vehicles (ZEV) and the evolving landscape of certification standards.