Nobel Week Dialogue 2021
The City of the Future
Take a second to picture your future home: what do you want it to be like? For well over half of humanity, that home will be part of a city. Despite all the pressures of urban life and the new and unprecedented challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic, the global trend towards urbanisation looks certain to continue, with the UN predicting that two thirds of us will be city-dwellers by 2050. If we fail to make the most of our metropolitan environments, the majority of humanity will suffer.
This year’s Nobel Week Dialogue will be a hybrid event with a global digital audience online, as well as a limited audience present in Gothenburg. There will be a mix of speakers participating digitally and physically on stage.
Please note, if you are planning to attend the event in person in Gothenburg, you will need to present a valid COVID vaccination certificate and a valid ID to be able to enter the venue.
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Svenska Mässan
Mässans Gata
412 94 Gothenburg