Vätgaskonferensen 2024
Welcome to the Swedish Hydrogen Conference 2024! The conference is organized by Energiforsk, Vätgas Sverige, Energigas Sverige, Rise Research Institutes of Sweden, Energiföretagen och Centre for Hydrogen Energy Systems Sweden | Luleå tekniska universitet, and in collaboration with the Norwegian Hydrogen Forum, Chalmers TechForH2 and KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
The theme for the year is Solutions that create change and the focus will be on companies and organizations that have made actual investments or have practical experiences and solutions to share. It will be a mix of presentations, workshops, panel discussions, and mingling.
See the top menu bar to check out the program, the exhibition and to sign up. See you in Stockholm in December!
The conference is sponsored by Linde gas and RWE.
Registration closed
The event has passed.
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Mässvägen 1
12580 Stockholm
Energiforsk, Vätgas Sverige, Energigas Sverige, Rise Research Institutes of Sweden, Energiföretagen och Centre for Hydrogen Energy Systems Sweden | Luleå tekniska universitet
För frågor om konferensen och för intresseanmälningar av presentation till konferensprogrammet, kontakta kontakt@energiforsk.se. För frågor om mässan, kontakta Bjorn.Wengse@stockholmsmassan.se.