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Profile image for 63. The right to freedom from violence online

63. The right to freedom from violence online Passed

Friday November 16, 2018 13:00 - 14:00 T1

Speakers: Dr. Mischa E. Thompson, Soraya Post, Tomas Åberg
Moderator: Alfiaz Vayia

Online radicalisation and hate speech pose grave threats to security online. Radicalisation and recruitment of people to terrorist groups has increased through the rise of social media platforms. Likewise, far-right radicalisation and online hate speech in particular against users from minority backgrounds is on the increase and mainly done through online platforms. 

There is correlation between hate speech online and violent crimes through criminal law crimes such as battery and assault throughout the EU. To combat these phenomenons and prevent violence, the EU signed a Code of Conduct with IT companies (Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Twitter) to remove illegal content online. The German Parliament legislated and introduced the NetzDG" law which imposes a penalty on IT companies if they don't take down illegal content in 24 hours. 

The purpose of the seminar is to discuss these developments, what is the most effective way to prevent violence online and protect freedom of speech within the EU. Also who has responsibility? Is it the platforms or governments i.e. should governments outsource to IT companies to decide what is hate speech. Are we giving corporations more power albeit because of good intentions? 




Europeiska Unionen



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Sign language interpretation



Dr. Mischa E. Thompson Speaker

Policy Advisor at the U.S. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe

Soraya Post Speaker

Europaparlamentariker och ledamot i utskottet för Medborgerliga fri- och rättigheter (LIBE) samt Mänskliga rättigheter (DROI)

Tomas Åberg Speaker

The Hate speech online Monitor (Näthatsgranskaren)

Project manager at The online hate speech monitor (NHG)

Alfiaz Vayia Moderator

Co-ordinator for the European Parliament intergroup on anti-racism (ARDI)