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Many faces of the opposition and global resilience of LGBTQI movements Passed

Wednesday August 18, 2021 09:30 - 10:30 ORANGE room

Partner: RFSL

(Language of the event English)

The session will take 60 minutes and bring together representatives of RFSL partner organizations in different countries (including Eastern Europe). The aim of the event is to bring together experiences of LGBTQI activists from different parts of the world in relation to the opposition they face (on national and international level), how it differs from context to context and what trends are common. The event will also have a proactive outlook discussing how activists navigate these challenges, what are their resistance strategies and what joint efforts are required in global advocacy fora. We also want to show that the opposition is not something that only occurs in the Global South and East and Sweden (as other states in Global North) faces its own challenges (including with trans exclusionary movements).