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The Polish government's war against sexuality education and LGBTQI-persons Passed

Tuesday August 17, 2021 10:00 - 11:00 GREEN room

Partner: RFSU

Lecturer: Milosz Hodun

(This event is held in English)

The attack from the Polish government on sexuality education in schools and LGBTQ+ persons are linked to each other. What do the government fear? What do they do to limit information and LGBTQ+persons space? In what way is the LGBTQ-community and people fighting back?  Milosz Hodun, President of Projekt: Polska Foundation in Warsaw, a foundation focused on exposing populism and combating hate speech, will give an overview of the situation in Poland. In spite of a hostile government Projekt Polska has ran project about LGBTQ rights and equipped teachers and youth workers in skills and knowledge about evidence-based sexuality education.


Milosz Hodun Lecturer

Milosz Hodun is the President of Projekt: Polska Foundation in Warsaw, a foundation focused on exposing populism and combating hate speech.